Is Sophia the pretty lady from the pet shop that Wes was making eyes at last time? :-D
Bwahahaha! Wizardly Wes is adorable in his very spiffy outfit. And a Shirley ghost! Look at all those ghosts... That house is becoming downright haunted at this point.
Those ears will poke out of everything. It's cute. :-)
You have to go pet the skunk to get sprayed I've noticed. I only had one sim who'd do that on his own, go to the skunk and pet it. Pets have a bigger chance of getting sprayed when they want to play with the skunk.
Comments 17
Oh, I guess I must have forgotten about Dennis?
And wait, isn't Queeny-- Oh, no, getting her confused with Dee. Whoops. I was wondering why Dennis would be getting along with a dead kitty. Heh.
Awww, tiny, sparkly puppy love. Well, Wes is the sparkly one and the puppy is tiny, but you see what I mean. :)
And that ant farm sure gets a lot of love. First Wes then Queeny...
Dee's the yellow big cat, Queeny the purple new panda cat. They're very alike though.
We lubs the antfarm! Well, Queeny does, she's convinced it'll get her world domination.
Topaz for heir? Jasper has pretty eyes, sure,. but Topaz has...mad logic skillz?
Good Luck finding purple furniture, I know the game doesn't provide that as well as it should.
Not sure, I think I like Jasper better. All my heirs have been knowledge sims thus far.
That's why we have downloads! Way to many downloads but hey...
Bwahahaha! Wizardly Wes is adorable in his very spiffy outfit. And a Shirley ghost! Look at all those ghosts... That house is becoming downright haunted at this point.
::Gasp:: What did you just call Wes? Oooh, so bad! The house already was haunted. Mostly with pets, but it's getting a bit ridiculous now.
And ew skunk >_< Now that I think about it, I've never had anyone sprayed by a skunk before.
You have to go pet the skunk to get sprayed I've noticed. I only had one sim who'd do that on his own, go to the skunk and pet it. Pets have a bigger chance of getting sprayed when they want to play with the skunk.
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