I was in the process of fixing the links on the downed Bishop entries when I got a call informing me that my great-grandmother passed away. We'd been expecting it for a while, but it's never a call you want to get regardless. I might get it worked on, as there's nothing I can really do at the moment and that drives me crazy, but don't expect any
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HOLY SHIT GUYS I'm getting warnings about my bandwidth limit approaching from PB again already. I have a feeling this means it's time for another account. Ack, I'm running out of email addresses...
Anyway. Consider this your warning that pictures might go splodey on my posts in the next few days. Oi.
Still on schedule, thanks to snow days! I'll be at a friend's birthday celebrations watching 80s fantasy movies tonight and clocking some extra hours in the computer lab (as well as some clothes shopping time with the boss as we're both in serious need of work clothes) Saturday morning, so... should be Bishops on Saturday night, Lairs on Sunday
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I added generation four (Zarek, Tierney, Reece, Tabitha, Nash, Basil, Taite, and Tara) to the Bishop downloads post. I also updated the post's look and the family tree, take a look and see what you think
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'kay, so, guess it's obvious there will be no updates this week. Had the plague all weekend. =( We're due for some ice storms tonight and tomorrow, so if I get a snow day I will most likely try to work on it then... I have a whole Bishop update capped and just needing editing. It's... extra-special and will require even more warnings than usual. If
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Up! (ETA: Um, here. /ditz) Will be trying to update the Bishops download page next. Anyone who's doing pixel_trade want me to put the Lairs up for that? If so, let me know, it'd be no problem.