Since there was such an interest in Grifball, I thought I'd go ahead and post the rules so you can all familiarize yourselves with them. If you have ANY questions, go ahead and ask. Also, if you're going to be playing, please let me know. If we have the demand, we may end up with more than just two teams. Thanks. Now on with the rules.
Grifball is a simple game. Two teams of four players square off in an arena in which each team has a goal. The object is to take the ball in the middle of court and put it in the other team's goal.
- Scoring a goal earns one point and ends the round.
- Each match consists of at least five rounds. The team with the most goals at the end of the game wins.
- Each player is equipped with only blunt weapons, guns with paint ammo, etc. No lethal damage should be dealt. So we won’t be using sharpened blades, live ammo, or anything else that might kill another player.
- The ball carrier has a 2x Overshield and turns orange for some reason. Any player may become the ball carrier by picking up the ball. Your armor will be Orange while carrying the ball. Know this now, so you aren’t confused by it when it happens later.
- If you see an orange guy who is NOT on your team, hit him (or her)… preferably hard. The object is, after all, to make them drop the ball so you can grab it for your team.
- Friendly players can hurt each other. Don’t whack just anyone. That’s called team-killing and it’s not cool. You don’t want to be the team-killing fucktard.
Grifball is an extremely fast paced sport game type that's played on an open court between two teams of four players. Each team has a goal and each player carries a gravity hammer and an energy sword. In the center of the arena is a single ball that can be picked up by anyone on the field. Each match consists of 5 rounds, with each round ending when someone slams the ball into their opponent's goal. The team with the most goals wins.
It's a very simple game by design, but it's an enormous amount of non-stop action. At any point in time, you are either on defense with your 3 teammates guarding your goal or you are on offense as the ball carrier with three blockers. In a second, the game can turn and you have to be ready to seamlessly change roles.
Oh, and if here's a list of those already committed to playing, mostly for my records, but for your knowlege as well I guess.
Cloud Strife
Angeal Hewley
Genesis Rhapsodos
Aerith Gainsborough
The Great Ninja Yuffie