The Mrmpfle Legacy: Chatper 3.03

May 13, 2011 12:42

warnings: language

previously: Pumpkin broke up with her cheating baby daddy Eddie, only to fall straight into another baby daddy, Franscisco. She had daughter named Iron and her and her man moved out. Fluffy grew up into an awesome hair-do and married the hardcore love of his life, Claude. Markus momentarily had the sexiest haircut known to mankind, so sexy in fact that he had to change it. Freckles...she did stuff. Gage...he did stuff too. And Peanut was a bamf, like always.

Speaking of bamf, straight after her grandson's wedding, she and Gage went straight for Pumpkin's newly emptied room.

Gage: bow chicka wow wow

Peanut: Gage, just kiss me already.

Fluffy: ♪Grampa got some love, Grampa got some love, oh from Gra-ahh-ma.♪

Gage: ♪yeeeaaa I got some love *hums*

(you can imagine this to the tune of "Janie's Got a Gun)

Now that Fluffy was bit (YA BIT? YAAAA BIT?!) *cough* ahem. As I was saying, now that Fluffy was bit and in line to be the next vampire!heir it was time for Freckles to join the ranks of the daywalkers. Wait, that makes her sound ginger. The ranks of the non-vampiric. *nods*

Freckles: Oh god! Bad idea! Oooohhhhhhh it burns!

She's just being a baby. It was fine.

This however was not fine. NOT FINE AT ALL!

Peanut: Oooh baby. Time to go now.


Gage felt the same way.

Gage: Oh my heart. It hurts. *wibble*

Pretty much everyone was sad.

Fluffy: I was going to give her this piece of cake. My wedding cake. *sob*

It was right here that I teared up. Apparently Gage just could not bear to sleep in the bed he shared with Pumpkin all those years so he chose to sleep in the guest room. Cue waterworks.

The back garden finally got finished so I put Peanut's headstone out there. I miss her man, I miss her.

Claude knew that Fluffy was really broken up, and she wanted to be strong for him. So she put on a brave face and threw herself into her new passion, sculpting.

It didn't work.

Claude: *sob* Peanut loved *hic* wooden *sniffle* chaaaaairs! *sob*

Freckles decided to face her grief by shoving it as far back in her mind as she possibly could, and whenever it threatened to creep on her, she pounced on Markus.

He was okay with that.

Then she started getting pukey and I was all "BITCH DON'T YOU DUUUURRR!"

But she was pukey for days so I don't know. Why do my sims vomit so much?

I zoomed in on the scrapyard one day cause I saw that Cupcake and his family were there and was very shocked to see this. Ryker - his wife - screaming at Toni, his oldest daughter.

Notice Cupcake, doing nothing, while his wife berates his 8 year old. A+ Cupcake.

If anyone is curious, this is what Toni looks like after a makeover. And also after receiving a brutal, verbal bitch slap.

Toni: Mummy?

Gage was despondent, and what does any old man do when his wife dies? I don't know. But Gage took on several cases. He liked snooping for clues.

And sobbing to his clients about his dead wife.

Gage: One minute she was there, the next she was gone!

Fluffy decided that blowing stuff up was a good way to feel better.

Fluffy: Teehee!

Fluffy: ...Awesome.

Fluffy: Gramma Peanut would have loved this. She was so bad ass like that.

Yea, everyone was an absolute wreck.

And then Fluffy snapped.

And ran around town blowing shit up. It was pretty awesome.

I figured, safety first, and got Claude a special sculpting outfit. And just in time too, cause she started ice sculpting the next day, with a chainsaw.

Claude: What're you looking at, bitch?

She has a very complicated relationship with her sculptures.

When Gage wasn't out sleuthing, he liked to stop by Porkchop's house and visit with his family.

I still don't know what her name is. She's one of Porkchop and Kirby's youngest daughters.

This is LeAnne though! I know her, she's the oldest.

LeAnne: Grampa, I know you're sad and miss Gramma, but it's ok to be sad. I miss Gramma too, but I'm glad you're still here.

Gage: Thanks kiddo.

I thought it was sweet that she wanted to cheer him up.

Back at the house, Fluffy was noticing Claude's outfit.

Fluffy: Hey baby, you look sexy in your safety glasses.

Claude: Well you know, I don't want to lose an eye.

Fluffy: That's something Gramma would say!

Have I mentioned how hard a time everyone is having with this? Like, every 10 minutes, they have to stop what they're doing and sob. It's just...absolutely heartbreaking.

I finally decorated Freckles' art nook. Properly that is. I like it. Freckles doesn't really give a shit.

Fluffy: I feel kind of weird.

Fluffy: Oh.

Fluffy finally vamped out. In an entirely unspectacular fashion.

Fluffy: Yea, this is pretty awesome.

At the same time, Freckles was birthday-ing.

Freckles: Just smile big and no one will notice your hair.

Anna: Yea, we're all noticing this train wreck.

Gage: I'm sick of this shit.

Apparently Gage was tired of living without Peanut, and two days after she died, he decided to kick the bucket.

Yes, 7 hours before the family lost their "Mourning" moodlets, Gage died. I suspect this was revenge on me for making him eat that life fruit and therefore life past Peanut.

Markus: Why are you here again?!

Grim: Don't blame me man, I don't make the rules.

Markus: Dad, I really don't want you to go.

Gage: Sorry kid, but I miss my Peanut.

Fluffy: Oh my! Why is Grim here?


Freckles: DADDY!

Freckles came downstairs to find her Dad dying.

Grim: Well this is awkward.

Grim: You know, you should rinse this right away, it'll just get caked on otherwise.

I think that everyone was a little busy to be worried about proper dish washing techniques.

Fluffy was not doing well with this newest blow. Not well at all.

And then it hit him.

Fluffy: Baby, I was thinking, maybe we could take that honeymoon now. Don't you think it would be good to get away for a bit?

Claude: I totally agree with you, but please don't smile at me like that. When you do, I feel like you're going to eat me.

Fluffy: Sorry, I'm not used to the fangs yet.

Freckles: I know what you're thinking, and maybe I have been insatiable lately because I'm depressed about my parents, but I just don't want to think about it is that ok?

Freckles maintained her coping mechanism of "sexing her brains out."

More puking, and every time she does it, I freak out.

If you want to see what Fluffy and Claude got up to on their honeymoon, check it out here.

When Fluffy and Claude got back from their honeymoon, I redecorated 'The Cottage' and put in Fluffy's inventing station and Claude's sculpting...thing.

Since Gage passed on and Claude got some gardening experience in Egypt, I've deemed her the new family gardener.

Oh yea, all that puking? Totally pregnant. I hate her right now. So much.

Since Freckles got herself knocked up I decided she could make it up to me by painting like a mad woman.

(BTW I SO DIDN'T DO THIS! Her and Markus autonomously woohoo like damned rabbits, and apparently they risky woohoo just as often. fuck!)

Fluffy and Claude decided to christen the new sarcophagus they brought back from Egypt.

Claude: Are you sure about this?

Fluffy: Yea man, it'll be awesome.

Claude: Like tomb plundering was awesome?

Fluffy: Okay listen! That was one time alright!

Claude: Whatever you say, I'm just sayin', if we catch on fire, I'm going to kick your ass.

The next evening:

Claude: I feel weird, and I suspect it's your fault.

Claude: Oh god, definitely his fault.


The only baby this update I'm excited about.

Ohhhhhhhhhfuckyea! I'm way excited about this.

Claude: Do you know what this sculpture needs?

Claude: A little more baby.

Freckles: Hmmm, something is missing. This picture needs a little something more.

Picture of Gage: Is it a little more labour? hyuk-hyuk.

Also, that is one risque pregnancy bikini, AND pregnant women in hot tubs? Shame on you EA.

Freckles: Hurmph. Stretch it out baby. You got this, you're pro at this now.

Because the whole "trip to the hospital, new baby!" shots are not very interesting, say hi to Peanut!

Peanut: 'Sup.

Still awesome.

This is the newest Mrmpfle child. Her name is Pea. She's insane and a loner.

And follows in all legacy toddler's footsteps and is sadly neglected.

Fluffy: I don't think I'm supposed to be able to put my hand through your stomach like this.

Claude: Hahayeaa. That's probably bad.

Claude: Stupid Fluffy, sticking his hand through my pregnant belly and making me go into labour.

Check out buff Fluffy. That is all. Buff Fluffy. Or should I say, Buff Fluff ;)

This is Muffin. The first of generation 4!! *squeeeeaaal* Also, he's pretty adorable, and obviously a child of Claude and Fluffy is rocking some little stompy boots. He's brave and eccentric. Not unlike his daddy.

Freckles actually was a pretty good parent, and she was a good grandparent too. While Fluffy and Claude made out, Freckles got straight to work teaching Muffin how to walk.

The young couple took advantage of their free time and had a hot tub.

Fluffy: So, I was thinking, we should have another baby.

Claude: You do remember that I just pushed a baby out my bajingo literally an hour ago right?

Fluffy: Yea, and don't you want to do that again?

I love the potty chair animations. I know that might be kind of creepy but come on, it's so cute! Also, look at Pea's little shoes. I love them.

Muffin: My shoe's are cooler.

Muffin isn't impressed with Pea's fashion.


Pea: Maybe I can eat this...

I'm pretty sure Markus should be able to convince ghosts to leave, but uhm hello! Effort! Markus and I both believe in the "fuck that noise. Banish those bastards." system.

Look at that face. Look at it. Isn't it adorable? I kind of love this kid. He's so adorable.

And he's got his daddy wrapped around his pinky finger.

This one on the other hand. Is a pain in the ass. Is anything wrong with her? Nope. Full motives, but she just likes to pitch a fit.

Even on her birthday she's whining about something.

Freckles: Something isn't right here.

Pea: Awesome! I'm a super hero!

I fixed her up and got her some actual clothes...and a body.

Pea: But I still need to pee!

Pea: Oh god, I just peed all over the floor. This is so embarrassing.

Poor bladder control aside, I think she's turned out pretty well.


Even as the most beloved only child, he gets left in the crib.

N'ah I'm kidding.

Fluffy: Hey bud, Daddy to the rescue.

Pea: I wish my dad was involved like that.

Anna: Yea, I don't know if you do. Your dad just keeps getting weirder.

Markus: Baby. You're making my face unhappy.

Turns out Fluffy managed to convince Claude to have another baby.

And immediately after popping she cracked out her chainsaw.

Claude: My baby is gonna be hardcore.

This is more like it.

Claude: Wanna go make some sculptures with me? You can use the chainsaw.

I take it back.

Pea spends a lot of time alone. When her social gets low enough (which it almost constantly) she just argues with herself.


Pea: No! People like me! I'm likable!

When she's not ridiculing herself, she's chatting it up with strangers on the internet.

Pea: Oh look! Pedobear is online!

Yup. Safety.

This isn't creepy at all...

She's creepy, and she's a nevernude.

But she plays with Muffin and it's adorable so who cares?

New maid isn't as lazy as old maid, but he tries.

Maid: I can't put these toys away! There's nothing blocking my way from putting them in the toy box, but I just can't do it!


The non-pregnant people always freak out way more than the sim in labour.

Fluffy: You sure you don't want me to drive?

Claude: N'ah, I'm good. I got this.

Claude may have been less cool and collected if she knew that apparently Freckles had absconded with her toddler.

Freckles brought Muffin into the city..

And then left him in front of the bistro, to be picked up by strangers. Obviously I took action and aged him up because I didn't want my oldest of gen 4 being stolen and Freckles was stuck in some building.

Also, Claude and Fluffy had twins and I didn't have enough space for three cribs.

This is Pebble, who clearly just aged up since he's all cross-eyed. Plus! Black hair!

And this is Panda. Obviously both of them has stompy boots. STOMPY BOOOOOOOTSS! >:D

And this is Muffin after he aged up. I think he's actually a good mix of his parents.

Anyway, that's all I got for you now. I took some family tree pics and I'm hoping to get gen. 3 (and also Freckles) up for download soon, and also get up a post with the family tree. Would you guys be interested in seeing the spare family trees as well?

sims, mrmpfle legacy

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