archivewarnings: language
previously: Muffin and Markus both aged up. Claude and Fluffy had another baby named Tickle. Muffin made a move on the new kid in town, Frances J. Worthington. Pea was a bitch. Panda and Pebble were weird.
We're going to begin this update with a healthy dose of toddler spam.
Mostly because Freckles is an awesome grandmother, and the claw interaction is cute.
As is Tickle.
Pea got a bit of a makeover to match her new, hardcore attitude.
She's also getting shipped off to boarding school to correct her new, hardcore attitude.
Pea: This is bullshit.
Continuing in the theme of "Playing with all the new Generations shit" Fluffy took Muffin for a walk.
Tickle: heehee ME TOO!
Alrght, I admit, there's a heavy dose of Tickle in the beginning of this update. Don't blame me.
Tickle has fast become best friends forever with his new doll. It's a girl, and I can't remember her name. They're tight though dawg.
No seriously, when I said "Playing with all the new Generations shit" I wasn't kidding. PLAY TIME YO!
Markus is a bad ass old man. Or a childish one? I'm not sure.
The twins are still weird and creepy, horror movie twin-like.
Pebble: Do you want to play this game with me?
Panda: No it's cool, I'll just play near you.
Panda: vroom! screech! OH NO! OLD WOMAN! DODGEDODGEDODGE!
Pebble: Hahaha! You're so fun to play with Meesa! ^_^
Yup. Creepy. I just, they are so creepy. It's like, if Pebble is playing video games, Panda has to play near him. If she's going to eat, Pebble needs to follow her. If they fight, they have to hug and make up right away.
Muffin and Fluffy are kindred spirits.
Fluffy: Well, that was fun, but we all got offered this free vacation so your mother, your grandparents and I are all leaving. Be good and take care of your siblings mmkay?
Muffin: What?
Yes, they all left and Muffin was left to take care of the kids. RESPONSIBLE PARENTING GUYS!
Then Muffin got this want and I laughed for like, hours. I'm still laughing. Tickle Tickle. Oh it cracks me up. Anyway, Muffin, he'll be good substitute parent y/y?
He doesn't have to worry about the twins though, they'll always happily entertain each other.
Pebble: Okay so, I'm the fairy princess and you're my handsome prince ok?
Panda: Alright. I was going to do my homework but gender confused play time sounds WAY BETTER!
Gender confused? No way. More like gender free y'all. These two aren't tied down by such conventional restraints.
Sometimes, I think Panda is the leader of their little duo. Pebble just...
Pebble: durrr. You've got a pillow.
...isn't all there all the time.
Panda: *whack* HAHA! GOTCHA!
Pebble: Oh! I get it now!
Muffin: Yea, I don't know. They're dressed up as a Prince and Princess and beating each other with pillows. It's pretty much standard. So, you'll come over tomorrow right? Yea? Okay good. The twins? No, they'll pretty much take care of themselves. No big deal.
Muffin: Pebble, I'm ordering pizza what do you- Pebble? What are you doing?
Pebble: I'm practicing my 'Thank you, brave Knight' face.
Muffin: Okay. You two are weird. I'll just pick the pizza.
Panda: Lo! I doth believe I heardest some brave soul didst mentioneth pizza? This beith the most excellent of news.
Panda: Yea. I speak Ye Olde English, and my wand sparkles. What up bitch?
Muffin endures the weirdness of his twins because he loves them. Also, he has special plans for later so if he's nice to them now, they'll be nice to him later. So they all got to dine on pizza.
Panda: Oh fair maiden! I dost believe there is a grande feast happening in yon castle. Be this the truth my love?
Pebble: Uhm...yes?
Panda: Oh what great and wonderous bounty thou must haveth up there! May I join you kind princess?
Pebble: Hmmm, I don't know. I was going to have this feast alone but..
Panda: YES! Tonight we dine IN HELL!!
Unfortunately their feasting was cut short by Peanut making an appearance. She scared the beejezus out of them and then made it very difficult for me to wrangle them up to bed. But I still love her.
After terrorizing the children, she settled for playing some vidja games.
The next morning Pebble found Tickle playing with his friend.
Pebble: How come he gets a cool doll and all I get is homework?
His doll is creepy, but it still is better than homework.
Tickle: Doll not cweepy, dolly my fwiend.
That night Frances came over and Muffin used the opportunity to ask Frances to prom. Frances obviously accepted. A little nervously of course, can't be Frances if he isn't nervous.
Of course, Frances wasn't the only one to show up. We couldn't pass up the opportunity for party time! It was a mostly Mrmpfle party.
The adult blonde is Cadie, Squishy's daughter. Hiding behind her is Porkchop's youngest daughter, Jenna. The indignant looking girl with black hair is Iron, Peaches daughter.
Porkchop and Kirby made pretty babies. The guy behind her is some random who heard about the party through the grapevine.
The girl that Muffin is looking disgusted with is Toni, Cupcake's oldest child.
The party got off to a slow start, but Cadie didn't let that stop her. She was determined to prove she was still cool and hip, even if she had aged to adult the day before.
Toni decided to get things started by making out with random dude.
Jenna just acted like a crazy person, but I still dig her.
Fluffy decided things weren't spicy enough and convinced Jenna to make out with the foreign exchange student. Iron wasn't pleased, I think she wanted to make a move on the foreign exchange student.
He wasn't really interested in either of them though.
The party was kind of a shit show. Frances passed out.
Cadie got all weepy.
And the highlight of the night was when random dude corralled Toni and another of Porkchop's daughters (LeAnne) into listening to his shitty ghost story.
Muffin didn't really care. He just used the whole thing as an excuse to spend more time with Frances.
Until the cops showed up that is.
Frances: I'm beginning to feel like I'm bad luck.
Luckily Muffin got everyone cleared out before his parents came home and I guess the cop had a stroke or something because none of the adults found out. Or Claude and Freckles were too busy simultaneously flailing over Markus to notice, Markus was too busy being confused by their flailing, and Fluffy just isn't really a disciplinarian.
Oh yea, it's the weekend now so Pea is back.
Pea: Didja miss me?
Anna: ....not really. No.
When Fluffy came back it was time for him to conquer the potions table and Claude needed to get into sculpting mode.
To say that Fluffy had some problems, is like saying that Fluffy was Fluffy, and things didn't go exactly as planned.
The next day was prom and Frances showed up looking his very best.
Frances: Oh dear, I hope that this goes well. I hope I look good. What if Muffin doesn't like my outfit? Oh dear.
Romantic drive guys.
Muffin promptly had a freak out when he got to prom.
I get it though. Traffic jams make me feel homicidal too.
And Frances and Muffin were the envy of the ball. Also, Frances asked Muffin to be his boyfriend, so all in all, it was a good dance for them.
This face can only mean one thing.
Yup. Birthday time for Claude.
Claude: Oh god. I'M NOT READY!
Claude: Oh no. Ooohhhh no.
What's that in the background?
That is Freckles, laughing at her daughter-in-law. Her daughter-in-law who is now OLDER than her. Damn vampires. Oh, and Panda apparently thinking mean thoughts about her mother.
Claude: You're going to fix this now, or I'm going to cut you.
Claude: this is only marginally better, but I'll let you live.
I already miss young Claude.
Around this time I ran off to the store to promptly shell out my hard earned money on non-existant shit. So. YAY MAGIC!
Being my jack of all trades sim, Fluffy is the one to learn magic. He's going to be a fucking magical vampire, and when pets come out, he's gonna having a fucking direwolf, and be a fucking warg, so he can take on Rickon FUTURE KING OF WESTEROS. Fluffy for King!
Fluffy: MAN! Magic is HARD!
.....Fluffy. For. King.
After one day in the house, and no one paying attention to her, Pea was feeling pretty ignored. Mainly because she was being totally ignored. So she decided to cause some mischief.
First, she rigs an invisible toilet. WHY DO ALL MY TOILETS KEEP GOING INVISIBLE?!
Then she practices her witchy hands in the shower.
Pea: Actually, I'm rigging it to-
Anna: Yea, I don't really care.
Muffin was too busy trying to get my attention so he could go on about his awesome prom night.
Muffin: And then he asked me out and I said yes! It was totally magical. He wants to be my boyfriend. I have a boyfriend. Omigosh! It was so awesome.
Panda was busy...I don't really know what she was doing. I think she may have been waiting for Pebble. It's what would make the most sense.
But Pebble was busy watching his father fail at magic.
Fluffy: Okay, just wait. I'll try again and then you'll see. JUST GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE!
And once again, things are not going as planned for Fluffy.
Markus got pimped out with his mullet y'all! PIMP DADDY IN THE HOUSE! Yea, it totally cracks me up.
Markus: *too cool for words*
kittenmittons Thank you. Thank you for talking me in to this. Best. Decision. Ever.
Freckles continues to shower love on Tickle, but whenever I see this, all I can think is that they're smelling the toddler's head.
Freckles: Mmmm. Baby smell.
Muffin decided he would take Frances out on a romantic and casual date at the park.
Muffin: He is going to love this.
Clueless moment.
Muffin was seriously laying on the charm. Sure, they had a date in the park, but isn't that better than sitting in a dark theatre for 2 hours? YES! YES IT IS!
Panda and Pebble came to the park with Muffin but he made them hang out away from his date.
I promise, Pebble was there. Panda was there wasn't she? SO WHERE ELSE WOULD PEBBLE BE? I just didn't get a picture of him.
Seriously. Only Panda.
Panda: He's inside, preparing for pirates. Duh.
Of course. Duh.
While Pebble and Panda where preparing to fight pirates, Muffin was turning up the charm and decided that watching the stars with Frances was the ultimate romantic move.
I am officially in love with this couple. They are so adorable.
Back at the house, Claude was having a bad evening.
Claude: Omg. I am going to fucking kill Pea!
Markus was busy swaggering around cause of his new 'do.
Markus: Ladies can't resist my ~*sex appeal*~
Anna: Damn straight! You tell 'em Markus!
So Muffin got home but, he wasn't as happy as I would have expected.
Muffin: Yea. At the end of the date he said that it was kind of boring and he thought we were going to have like a "date date". What does that even mean?
Anna: OMG NO!
Frances was a little bitch about Muffin's ultra romantic, intimate, one-on-one date and I'm not happy about this at all.
However, Muffin decided to take his hurt out by being a dick to Peanut, and I'm not impressed with that either.
This is pretty much Pea's normal face now.
Pea: No, this is my "Someone fell for my trap" face.
Oh, yea. That would be Panda.
The next morning, Panda and Pebble had an impromptu meeting in the bathroom.
Panda: So, I was thinking. It's our birthday today and really, I think we should just get it over and done with now instead of waiting until after school. We could go to HIGHSCHOOl today Pebble.
Pebble: Yay! Birthdays!
And then everyone decided to swarm the bathroom.
Claude: What the fuck is going on in here?
Pea: Who the fuck are you?
Pebble: Uhm, I'm Pebble. Your nephew?
After growing up, they didn't have to go to school for whatever reason. Panda had to run off to complete an opportunity, and Pebble was going to meet up with her later. But first. Dancing.
Pea decided to come and play video games which made things awkward.
Pea: Excuse me, I'm trying to play here.
Pebble: Uhm. I was here first though.
Pebble: Would you like to watch my awesome dancing moves?
Pea: Why won't he stop dancing?
Fluffy still hasn't gotten much better at spell casting.
It pretty much just breaks his heart.
Fluffy: *sniff* I just want to be a wizard!
So instead he practices for when he'll be a warg.
Freckles is pretty much the only person who spends time with Tickle.
She likes to tickle Tickle.
I'll never get over it. NEVAR!
Okay, I lied. Pea also spends some time with Tickle. He's evil, she's an asshole. They ~*bond*~ over their enjoyment in the suffering of others.
Remember Panda? Yea. She grew up awesome. There is definitely some strong Mrmpfle lady genes in this family. And after she finished what she needed to do for her opportunity she quickly ran over to the new house that popped up in town.
She had to meet the new kid. His name is Kaleo and he's going to give me some beautiful, genetically diverse babies. *drools* oh yes. Babies.
Kaleo: So, what's your name?
Panda: I'm sorry. I can't speak to you until my brother gets here.
I see Pebble there in the background.
Pebble: *huff*puff* I was almost late!
Panda: Okay, he's here now. My name is Panda, and this is my brother Pebble. We need a moment to speak if you don't mind.
Pebble: Korna! Ewsi etsi mees ersa. Hes ecu.
This is the point where Pebble and Panda make everyone else feel awkward by speaking in their own language. Also the point where they surely make Kaleo feel awkward by the way they keep giggling and stealing glances at him.
Panda: Irstyl eem, irstyl erves eebi meeso.
Pebble: Hatsa ont airsi meesa. Ewsi oldsa eb e mincey!
Panda: Hatverys. Meesa orro. Ewk, embsy ees oosa lesso imsa ceedsy. Mees dant antsi ot ekme hitsyn airfys no.
Pebble: Haty twosa ari-meeso-meesa hmm?
This is where things turn awkward for everyone involved while Panda takes a moment to consider what her brother suggested.
Panda: Ominsa disa waysi letys meesa-meeso ot ari-me.
Kaleo: Uh...guys? What's going on?
Pebble and Panda decide to turn back to Kaleo and take a moment to silently decide if they should just come right out and tell him what they've decided.
Pebble: We've talked it over, and we decided that we really value our relationship. We could have some long, awkward fight over you that would really ruin the bond we share.
Kaleo: Ohhhkay?
Pebble: So we've decided to just share.
Panda: Isn't that exciting?
I think that Kaleo may have been a little taken aback by the twins' ambush but they won him over. At least a little bit. It's still super creepy.
Pebble: *stares*
Kaleo: I was under the impression that things did not work this way on your planet.
Panda: Baby, it can work any way we want it to.
Taking a break from the overwhelming creepiness. Claude went to City Hall for some reason. I don't know or remember what that reason was.
Claude: I had an opportunity to sculpt for the police.
Anna: Oh right! That was it! You made loads of money of that. Good job!
I like to congratulate their successes.
Freckles is finally going back to work. She's looking fierce for a woman who is around 80 or so.
Checking back in with Pebble, Panda and Kaleo, it was Pebble's turn to flirt with Kaleo.
Panda: Yea, Sherry, I can't talk right now. Pebble and I are hitting on this new alien dude. Oh you saw him already? Yea. He's hot right? What do you mean? Yes, both of us. Why wouldn't we both date him? Omg Sherry, don't be such a prude!
Anna: *blink*
I think Kaleo might be a bit more interested in Pebble, but I'm sure he can learn to love Panda too.
Pebble: Okay. What just happened? One minute I was hitting it off with K and now I'm back home?
Pebble glitched. He popped back home. It's too late to send him back. So Panda will just have to come home.
Panda: I have to leave because my brother had to teleport back home but. I have a secret for you.
Kaleo: Okay. *leans in*
Panda: *whispers* I think you're really going to like being our boyfriend.
Kaleo doesn't look to sure of that. But I'm hoping this weird little thing works out. Otherwise. Shit gonna got bad.
Hey guess what! It's that time again. Awkward endings for everybody!! However, I have an explanation.
So. Here's how this all went down. Pebble and Panda became teens and I rolled their sexuality. Panda went first and rolled straight so of course Pebble rolled gay. I laughed and found it totally fitting for these two. I tried to find them spouses and was like "WHY DOES NO ONE MAKE MALE SIMS?!" Seriously, there is a swarm of ladies out there but not enough mens. On top of that, I was looking for a really genetically unique male. So I tweaked a sim of mine and ended up with Kaleo, the alien from some cat civilization. I don't know. I knew I wanted Panda and Pebble to be double heir because I just find them lulzy together. Plus, have you seen them? They're gorgeous. But I didn't want TWO spouses. Kaleo was perfect and these two just seemed the type to do something like this. So how's it going to work? Well, I guess we'll find out. Hopefully it'll go okay. Hopefully...