The Mrmpfle Legacy: Chapter 4.02

Dec 06, 2011 18:47

warnings: language

previously: The Mrmples took up residence in Apaloosa Plains and got themselves some pets, Kaleo became the designated baby machine, Freckles became a little obsessed with talking about her grandkids, Tickle and Boinky grew up and shipped out, Kaleo had a baby named Cinnamon and Panda and Pebble exercised their right as terrible spouses/parents to fuck off to France by themselves. Awesome.

We start this update with Freckles' new hobby. Fishing.

Lolyearite like that'll happen. She tried fishing but there's not much money to be made there and she's a fucking master painter. So she continues painting. It's lucky she enjoys it so much.

Kitten has taking to showing Fluffy how much she loves him by rubbing all over his feet.

Fluffy and I both approve of this adorable, heartbreaking behaviour.

Kaleo continues to be the only parent worth anything in this relationship (OKAY FINE I LIKE PEBBLE AND PANDA ARE DECENT PARENTS BUT COME ON!)

Cinnamon continues to grow on me unrelentingly.

Biggest new development? Fluffy bought a horse. This horse's name is Cannon, which doesn't really fit with my animal naming theme but it's happening.

Fluffy is kind of nervous about this whole horse thing.

I can't really blame him. Cannon decided that Fluffy wasn't worthy to ride him. Or he was tired or something. I don't know. Either way, Fluffy ended up on the ground. I laughed. It was all good.

When Panda and Pebble got back from France, for whatever reason, Panda decided she just had to spend some time with Badger. So she taught him to sit up.

Fluffy: You know, since we got Cannon, there's a pretty risque hay pile sitting out in the yard. Want to go christen it?

Freckles: Ah, young people in love.

Only in the sims is this not kind of weird.

Pebble wants to be an involved father so he decided to teach Cinnamon how to talk.

Pebble: Say "Daddy is super buff and everyone wishes they were like him" okay baby?

Cinnamon: No!

Pebble: You just hurt my feelings.

Cinnamon: Haha! Daddy funny!

I really, really, really love this interaction. Yes. It's Pets spam. I admit it freely. But you can't tell me this interaction isn't the cutest shit ever. EVER I SAY!

The cuteness was interrupted by labour.

Anna: GOD KALEO! That's so rude!

Kaleo: Why is this happening to me?!

Panda: Oh god! The baby is coming! Another baby is coming!

Fluffy: Oh god! This is against all the laws of nature! Why does he keep having babies?!

Fluffy is still struggling with the whole, Kaleo carries the babies thing. He should just be grateful he doesn't have to be the one to do it.

Kaleo had a boy. Everyone, meet Snuggle Mrmpfle. (Are you happy now kittenmittons?)

I think perhaps Fluffy thought he'd ride in to save the day and bring Kaleo and Snuggle home but he's still struggling with the whole...getting on the horse the right way...thing.

Regardless, Snuggle and Kay made it home safely so have some Toddler Snuggle spam!

It's a short spam. Sorry.

Panda is still playing night-time gardener. The only thing I like about it is how awesome it looks when she harvests the flame fruit bushes.

Watch out! We've got a runaway toddler! Runaway toddler on the loose!

Cinnamon: Peace out bitches!

You'll hear me say this a lot but...this is such a cute interaction. Squeee! Fluffy loves his animal friends.

Apparently teaching your pets tricks pretty much makes you instant best friends. Which is great for Badger since he just loves playing with sims.

Pebble: Tickle tickle tickle! You're gonna say it! You're gonna say daddy is the buffest ever!

Cinnamon: No daddy stop! I won't! Haha! Daaaaadddyyyy!

Pebble still hasn't gotten over his hurt feelings.

I've got my eye on Cannon. He's cool and all, but the bastard has been eating our plants.

*shakes tiny fist of rage and fury*

Totally normal guise. Totally. Normal.

Pebble: So. We got two babies down, let's get a third on the way. Pebble goes first. Booyeah!

Kaleo: I guess there are some perks to this arrangement.

You bet there are. ;) Rawr.

Snuggle: No! Nonononono! Mummy I don't wanna! No!

Panda: Snuggle, what's wrong? You have to go potty!

Snuggle: No! The giwaffe watch me!

Panda rolled the honour of teaching Snuggle how to talk, and she's much better at it than Pebble. She's happier and more constructive.

Freckles decided that it would be fun to do a giant ass painting of Cinnamon so I obliged her. Should be cool.

So the twins worked their magic and Kaleo is pregnant again.

Kaleo: I take it back! There are no perks! None! I hate this! I hate you!

Badger was willing to cheer him up though.

Fluffy is getting shit tonnes better at riding. It's pretty sweet. Yes, it's daytime and he's pretty much going on a death ride right now but ptcha! Where's the fun if the risk of death isn't involved eh?

This picture is here solely because I find it hilarious that it looks like Cannon is trying to hide in the tree.

Panda: Who is Mummy's favourite little girl? You are! Yes it's you!

I fall more in love with this girl every day.

And this one actually.

Freckles: Come on black gumball! Free movie!

(I don't know if anyone remembers those. The gumball machines at some movie rental places and if you got the special gumball you got a free movie. No? Just me? Cool. Cool cool cool.)

I decided it would be fun to get them one of those...things...where stuff happens. You know? With the buttons and the levers and you kill things. Or maybe you don't. Whatever it is, they have one now and Freckles thinks it's pretty much the coolest thing ever.

I've mentioned a lot of cute things about Pets lately but this is the grossest. Kitten is drinking out of a filthy toilet. She's kind of like my cats.

Apparently, this is how horses play with balls. According to EA.

Just realized that was kind of a dirty phrase but whatevs.

Freckles has become a tattoo junkie. I love it.

Of course, this newest tattoo means she's missing her great granddaughters birthday.

She doesn't care. In fact, the first tattoo didn't work so she marched her ass upstairs and gave herself a tattoo.

This bitch is fearless yo.

I don't think Cinnamon was impressed though.

Cinnamon: I'm more unimpressed with this cake. I wanted a My Little Pony cake.

Anna: You and me both kid.

Wiggles also grew up.

Panda: I feel like I'm being smacked in the boob but nothing's there. Oh well.

Freckles: Hi little lizard. Can I tell you about my grandkids?

The real reason Freckles wants so many tattoos. So she can boast about her grandkids. Can't say I blame her. They're all flawless.

If you saw the house tour then you've already seen Cinnamon's new room but here it is again in case you missed it. I especially love this under-the-loft play area.

And a generic desk. Cinnamon loves pink btw, in case you were wondering.

Pebble: My daughter is talking to herself already. That can't be good.

I don't know what happened here but apparently Kitten made Claude cry. *blink*

Your guess is as good as mine.

Well that's frightening.

Cinnamon: RAWR! No! Now it's frightening! Raaawwwrrr!!

Yup. She's a terrifying monster.

He can gallop yo. Gallop.

Badger and Cinnamon are fast becoming friends. You're probably wondering, who hasn't Badger befriended? The answer is no one. He's just that awesome.

Okay. This creeps me out. Intensely. Please...please leave us alone!

Obligatory first day of school shot. I dig her outfit. And her shoes.

The giraffe is still watching Snuggle and he still hates it. But at least he's pooping now. That's always good.

Cannon has grown on me intensely. Please this action is hilarious.

Okay, you need to prepare yourself for some painfully cute Daddy/Son spam.

/end spam.

Are you dead from cute now? If so, I'm sorry.

Even Fluffy is getting in on the action.

Kitten: Mrow?

Cinnamon comes home from her first day at school and barely makes it through the door before being bombarded by pet love.

It's so great and awesome!

Then she moves on to spending some quality time with Wiggles. I fear he'll do something drastic if she spends too much time with the Pets.

I don't think I've spammed him enough yet.

Okay. We're good now.

Oh yea. Did I mention that Kaleo was pregnant again? I don't remember. Either way, he is.

Notice the lack of caring by anyone in the house.

Kaleo: This is the last baby right?

Anna: Aha aha aha! No. Just. No.

Everyone meet Teacup Mrmpfle.

I'm not picking favourites or anything but if I were, she'd be it.

Badger: What is this strange little green thing?

Teacup: Doggy! Hahaha! Doggy fwiend.

Alright well, that's it. Two new babies and a shit tonne of Pet spam. That's all I got for you. I'm so sorry. *sad face*

Yup. Okay. Buhbye! *awkward exit*

mrmpfle legacy

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