Last time: Wingrab devoured Travers college career, he got his first kiss from an old witch named Aeva & came home from college. After a quick survey of the local ladies, he decided to have babies on his own. Or, with a little probing from the aliens. Whee! We left off and he was in labor. It was dramatic and you all chastised me for my propensity for cliffhangers. I'm sorry! It's just a really convenient stopping point, okay?
It's a girl! & she's BLUE! Sweet. Her name is Lavinia.
Shortly thereafter, when I wasn't paying attention, Chatham grew into a teenager.
Here he is, lookin' just like Travers.
Eman looks darling with her first grandchild. I love the blue of the skin bringing out the blue in her skirt. Blue babies are the best accessories!
look at the pretty butterfl....OMG those women are having woohoo!
Well that just flew by.
Nice big eyes... AND... POINTY EARS! REJOICE!
The wants of the knowledge parent are conducive to aspiration points for everyone.
That was so successful he decided to try again!
He had the want to meet aliens. You know the one that always rolls AFTER you have met aliens?
Summoning aliens is so convenient!
Oops. Looks like someone had the fear of Travers meeting aliens. You know, that fear that everyone who isn't knowledge rolls after someone they love has met aliens. Yeah.
It was Eman. Our first crazy! :D
You're so pretty, Eman, when you're loony.
I spam because she's the first. Oh. I'll probably spam anytime someone goes crazy. It's just darling.
Home again home again jingly jangle.
Successful parenting. It's noteworthy.
So he invited Aeva over for a booty call and I thought, heck, he's got babies, he doesn't need to marry a womb.
So he proposed...
& they were married straight away!
Aeva's first action as member of the Pennsylvania household. *pats her*
of which Travers approves.
Sproing! The alien seed swells in his belly! :D
Aeva is delighted at this chance to raise children that she missed out on having been spawned as an elderly woman a few days ago.
Birthday cake time for Lavinia!
She quickly ran off to play video games in her appropriate pjs.
HOLY CUTE you guys.
This is pretty much how Aeva bathes every time.
She's a pretty sweet adopted mom, though. I might not be so happy if my husband's alien spawn insisted on sleeping with him and I had to go find somewhere else to sleep.
Lavinia dressed for her very first day of school.
More labor! And I'll be kind this time and refrain from ending the update here. :P
Another girl! She is also blue! Her name is Elizabeth. (I was hoping for a little more variety. I have a PT set with 3 green & 1 blue PT, and yet... I seem to get blue babies all the time out of it!)
& holy crap it's already her birthday! (I play on 3 speed a lot.)
She is so cute! & her facial features are distinctly different from Lavinia. She got pointy ears, too, though. :D
She seems a bit more studious than Lavinia. In any case, she seemed less annoyed when he taught her how to talk.
Eman spends a lot of time enjoying the art hanging above the bed that Aeva often finds herself forced to sleep in because Lavinia is bed with Travers.
Travers rolled a secondary aspiration! Oh dear! What could this mean for Aeva?
I don't know, but she spends a lot of time with Chatham. Maybe Travers is getting too old for her.
See! Elizabeth gets skill points on her own! I don't even know what Lavinia is doing.
Aeva spends lazy afternoons drinking. Later she hangs out with Chatham in her nightie again. When she gets stinky, it's time for another kitchen sponge bath. Travers is a lucky man!
Now she & Chatham are SHARING A BED. Aeva is a cougar, isn't she!?
Eman was busy cooking a meal for her beloved family when she felt death sieze her with his clammy bones.
Straight through the wall in her underwear. She was wonderful to the very end.
While Chatham weeps over the death of his favorite mother (valid statement, as he has two)...
Aeva finished preparing the meal that Eman DIED working on.
Eclipse was crushed when she got home from work. :(
Hey Elizabeth! What are you smiling about? You're so cute! Yes you are!
Oh my god!
What the hell!?
Thank goodness Travers was home from work.
Don't screw this up! That's your brother's life you're playing with!
In your face, Death!
Meanwhile, Eclipse started a fire in her depression.
Travers looks so pleased with himself.
& Chatham still has the food poisoning that killed him. So... let's hope that doesn't happen again while his brother is at work. :\
Current Legacy Stats:
Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): 3
Perma-Plat Sims: 3
Shrink Visits: 1
Social Bunny Visits: 0
Social Worker Visits: 0
Fires: 3
Self-Wettings: 3
Pass-Outs: 2
Fights: 4
Accidental Deaths: 0
Reach top of a Career: 2
100,000 earned: 4
Alien Abductions: 2
Overheating/Freezing: 1
Does Chatham count as an accidental death since he was saved? I guess not!
1.1 2.1 |
2.2 |
2.3 |
2.4 |
2.5 3.1 |
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3.3 |