1. Do you like blue cheese? No it has a funny sour taste i don't like.
2. Have you ever smoked? No. Not even a little bit.
3. Do you own a gun? Erm...No. I wish I had a BB FiveSeveN though. :( Oh wait i have that nerf-a-like dart rifle. Its kinda like a gun.
4. What flavour do you add to your drink at sonic? I have no idea what sonic is, nor do i tend to add flavor to any of my drinks which the exception of perhaps coffee, to my hot milk in the process of making coffee.
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? No. Not unless im actually I'll and then im more nervous about the extent of the damage. lol.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? I love them, even the rubbish ones that are made of 20 different kinds of meat reclaimed by machines. There just so...wobbly and meaty. In a food way. 0_o.
7. Favourite Christmas movie? Die Hard 2. Best. Christmas. Film. Ever.
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee at first, followed by coffee at work, followed by as many coffee's as i can remember to take whilst compiling.
9. Can you do push ups? In the same way a "could drive a car to escape a volcano" yes. lol.
10. Do you know the secret to a happy life? Yes its putting ASSERT( HAPPY_LIFE ); inside the update for your life. No but seriously i guess the answer is just do what makes you happy, but don't piss people off too much.
11. What's your favourite piece of jewellery? Well, i dont actually ware jewellery anymore so. *shrugs*. There's the necklace which I used to where. Or the Raki thingy that broke. I've still got that wrapped around my bed side lamp.
12. Favourite hobby? Got to be "T-bagging chris' corpse whilst being shot at by numerious terrorists. And Si Mayes." lol. Or losing my self in hours of the same series. Or listening to music.
13. Song you're listening to right now? Paralyzed - The Cardigans.
14. Do you have A.D.D.? No i've probably got whatever the opposite is. O.C.D. or something. Not much of it though.
15. What's one trait you do not like about yourself? My tremendous sense of apathy towards most things which causes me to procrastinate to despair. lol.
16. Middle name? Lee
17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?
1) Oh do i have to really write what im thinking?
2) No, they'll never know you're lying. Just write whatever.
3) I should book some holiday time off to go see friends or something.
18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday? I bought nothing yesterday. Infact i hardly left my room. However the day before I bought:
1) Train tickets from NCM to Oxford Circus.
2) A round of drinks.
3) A fruit and cinnamon swirl.
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Coffee, Tea, Guiness
20. Current worry? Parsers, Getting up on time, Dry cloths, Friends, Deadlines, World peace.
21. Current hate right now? Non parsed tokens, and me for being my own worst enemy.
22. Favourite place to be? The train on the way back home on a friday. As its the start of the weekend, with nothing to do, and nothing but promise.
23. How did you bring in the New Year? I dont think i did anything at all. Im not big on celebrating the new year. Its just a footnote on a calendar at best.
24. Where would you like to go? A nice deserted island. That would be awesome right now. But id want a way to get back when i was ready.
25. Name four people who will complete this: Oh now thats a mute point really. Not many of the people in my friends list post very regularly at all and fewer still are likely to complete this. I dont think anyone will at all to be honest.
26. Do you own slippers? Allas no my slippers which once were, became holy relics and as such, were thrown away. I now just tend to where one of my many pairs of shoes around the house.
27. Last magazine you read: Develop Magazine whilst i was waiting for Gary and tom to turn up at work on Friday night.
28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I have never experienced satin sheets but i imagine that I would.
29. Can you whistle? I am a whistle hero. Give me a song and i'll whistle you a tune.
30. Favourite colour? Grey. Or white.
31. Would you be a pirate? Most assuredly so. But I would be a gentleman pirate. But not a foppy pirate.
32. What songs do you sing in the shower in the morning? Usually "In bloom" "You know you're right" or "Lithium" as those are the songs on my alarms playlist.
33. Favourite girl's name? Not sure. Not being a girl i'd never payed it much thought.
34. Favourite boy's name? I've always been partial to Deacon. Hence my avatar names.
35. What's in your pocket right now? I dont...have...any pockets...at...the...moment 0_o
36. Last thing that made you laugh? Definately Si throwing a grenade through a window, as I climbed through, it bouncing off my head, and it landing at his feet. rofl.
37. Best bed sheets as a child? I had some awesome Thunder Cats bed sheets as a kid. Or some turtles ones. I also had some which were covered in WWII planes. I think the Thunder Cats one was probably the win.
38. Worst injury you've ever had? Probably the bite on my right hand from defending Zeb. Next was probably the scar above my left eye from falling on a wall. Then, no sign of it now but messing up my ankle whilst Paint Balling.
39. Do you love where you live? I love my room, cos its just how i want it and mine. I dont so much love my flat. Its just a rented flat tbh. I dont perticularly love the south. Id rather be up North.
40. Cat lover or dog lover? Tough call. Dogs are much more loyal. But Cats are much more...pur-ey. I like them both just as much i guess.
41. Who is your loudest friend? Steve. lol.
42. How many fish do you have? None now. I ate all the fish fingers today.
43. Does someone have a crush on you? Its funny you ask that because no.
44. What is your favourite television show? ATM Deadwood.
45. What is your favourite book(s)? Erm...its been a while since i read a book (which wasn't a text book). Probably the shining still but. Meh. Give the the film version.
46. What is your favourite candy sweet? Candy is horrible. Chocolate is the confection of the gods. mmmMMMmmmmmmmmmmm chocolate. Any will do.
47. Favourite Sports Team? Not watching sport. That takes a lot of dedication and effort. *wipes forehead*.
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? Hmmm. Good question. *Looks at iTunes* Its a toss up between "Quiet riot" by Hell is for Heroes, "Raindrops, Prelude in D Flat" by Chopin, "Ave Maria" by Schubert, "You know you're right" by Nirvana, "Fish ~ Silent Cruise" or "Farewell Blues" or "Blue" or "Is it real?" by Yoko Kanno, "When I'm Dead" or "On your Way Down" by Stabbing Westward, "Eulogy" by Tool, "Innuendo" by Queen. I think what we've gathered here is i have way too much music.
49 My favourite poem: I do have a favorite poem. Erm...what is it. *Thinks* Nope. Can't think of it. lol.
50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? I think it was along the lines of "oh im less tired than i expected" (as i was up till 5) "urgle i best get up to do some work."