Title: To Claudia Parker, Parker Place, USA
Fandom: Dresden Files
Character: Simon Pietrovich
Author's Notes: Written to his daughter after the death of her husband.
My dearest child,
Words cannot fully express the depth of sorrow I feel for your loss. I loved him like a son.
Max...will be greatly missed by all of us. His laughter, his smile, his jokes, they will be sorely missed.
I want to tell you, my Claudia, how...extremely proud of you I am. You have borne up under the stress of all of this in a very graceful way and I wanted to express to you how dearly I love you, my child and how much I am in awe of you. You are the most wonderful gift, my daughter. I am happy that you found me and that you have allowed me to share in your life. That you married a good man and had beautiful amazing children with him. That I have great-great-grandchildren that I can spoil rotten is a blessing. You have done well, both you and he did. You both brought honor and joy to the family name. It is a very great gift that you gave to this old man.
I...[rest of line blurred with tear stains]
Whatever I have is yours, my beautiful daughter, whatever you need from me is yours. Max will be with us always in our memories. Treasure them in your heart, my dear one, they will help you in the darker days.
I cannot tell you that the pain goes away. I will not lie to you like that, but things do get some better. You slowly start to adapt to the loss. It is always there, but you begin to cope with having it there. It is a painful process but there is hope at the end of the tunnel.
So grieve for him, my dear child, but continue to live in his honor, for the memory of him. I am here if you need a shoulder for crying or beating on.
He was a good man and we will honor his memory. I loved him and I love you, Claudia.
I just needed to tell you that.
Your Papa.