Two Names You Go By
1. Simon
2. Benji
Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. English
2. Ukranian
Two Things That Scare You
1. Dying alone
2. Spiders
Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. chap stick
2. cigarettes
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. baggy shorts (thats all)
Two Things You Want in a Relationship (other than Real Love)
1. Humor...lots of it
2. A best friend (meaning I want somebody who's like a best friend)
Two Physical Things that Appeal to You About the Opposite/Same Sex.
1. Eyes
2. Ass
Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. smoking pot
2. listening to music
Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. To be happy (without having to rely on alcohol, drugs and anti-depressants)
2. To live in Montreal
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. Italy
2. England
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. Travel
2. Be successful
Two Ways That You're Stereotyped by People who don't know You
1. I do drugs, therefor i'm a duggie-loser
2. I'm young, therefor i'm immature
Two Things You Are Thinking About Now
1. Brushing my teeth
2. My date tonight
Two Stores You Shop At
1. Bluenotes
Two things you'd rather be doing right now
1. Smoking a joint
2. Hanging out with friends
Q: Who's bed did you sleep in last night?
A: um..mine. although otherwise would have been nice
Q: What color shirt are you wearing?
A: not wearing one
Q: How many people on your list do you know in real life?
A: Ummm, my msn list? 38...or my LJ list? like 4
Q: What color are your undies right now?
A: commando rules baby!
Q: Do you have any pets?
A: 11 dogs and 4 cats (chocolate, black and yellow labs and no im not naming them all)
Q: Most recent movie you watched?
A: the 40 year old virgin
Q: Name 3 things that you have on you at all times?
A: chap stick, smokes, weed
Q: What's the color of your bed sheets?
A: light blue with dark blue pillowcases
Q: Do you look like a celebrity?
A: Some people used to tell me I looked like some dude from SNL
Q: Who's the 4th person on your received call list?
A: Dion
Q: What's your main ringtone on your phone?
A: "sorry" by madonna...I also have "another brick in the wall" by pink floyd
Q: What were you doing at midnight last night?
A: smoking a bowl
Q: What did the last text message on your phone say?
A: you're such a slut!
Q: How many people on your friends list are ex's?
A: ummm like 5
Q: What is your favorite part of the chicken?
A: umm...I dont eat meat off a bone
Q: What's your favorite town/ city?
A : Lavalle, Quebec
Q: How did your last relationship end?
A: I dumped him because he was a retard...and i was never sober with him
Q: I can't wait to ... ?
A: get my car back on the road
Q: When was the last time you saw your mom?
A: today
Q: Who got you to join myspace?
A: not on myspace
Q:What did you have for dinner LAST NIGHT?
A: grilled cheese
Q:Who was the last person you kissed?
A: Probably my best friend Mel
how long you been at your current job?
A: little over 2 months
Q: Is Tom on your friends list?
A: Nope
Q: What's the last thing you said out loud?
A: Ciao
Q: Look to your left.
A: Liquor
Q: What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone?
A: When I borrow clothes...they become mine. And it was a tight red 'swiss army' shirt that makes me look sexy
Q: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day?
A: livejournal and hotmail.
Q: Do you have an air freshener in your car?
A: I have one that's a pot leaf...but doesnt smell anymore
Q: Do you have plants in your room?
A: nope
Q: If you could drink anything right now, what would it be?
A: A caramel machiato with an extra shot of espresso and extra caramel
Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now?
A: my left knee
Q: What city was your last taxi cab ride in?
A: Hamilton
Q: Do you own a picture phone?
A: sure do
Q: What's your favorite Starbucks drink?
A: a venti caramel machiato with extra caramel and an extra shot of espresso
Q: Recent time you were really upset?
A: Tuesday