Update? What update?

Jun 18, 2010 18:37

I've not really had much to say lately...

Well I suppose that ought to change, so here goes.

BP: Yeah. Bad news. Apparently it was all totally BP's fault too: there were problems with the rig, that needed fixing. BP decided to do it on the cheap. KABOOOM! Serves them right! Yes, they should pay, no they shouldn't get any government money. And thank fuck it didn't happen in the North Sea!

World Cup: *listens to the Yanks saying "what World cup?"* A lot of surprises. Giant-killers abound. We're just lucky that it's still the group stages! Connie drew N. Korea in her work sweepstake! (tee hee). Would be very interesting to see them play S. Korea in the final. I can see the headlines: "World Cup Final: US team intervenes to prevent N. Korea scoring, Chinese team intervenes to prevent S. Korea scoring. Match ends 0 - 0. UN Peace keepers stationed along centre line."

Work: Um... yeah. I got threatened with redundancy a few weeks ago. Fortunately things have picked up since then, but I am now actively looking for another job.

Holidays: Camping trip to Devon in August is still on, hopefully... Especially if I get a new job that pays more in the mean time...#

Formula 1: THE BEST SEASON EVAHHHHH! I don't give a fuck who wins the World Championship. No, actually I do, I would love Hamilton to win, Button would be my second choice. But to be honest, with the new rules, and the narrower cars - yes, I had it confirmed last Sunday, the cars are actually narrower this year - it means more overtaking. The race is no longer being won in qualifying. This makes it EXCITING to watch. I LOVE the new rules and I hope they keep them!

That's about it really. Wasn't as long as I thought it was going to be.

update, news, work, f1, bp, football, camping, formula one, oil leak, world cup, holiday

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