Well, work manages to suck just that much more when you have to limp around while doing it. Although, Doc Julia may have had the right idea...I've found that dealing with customers is made much easier with the use of painkillers.
I am still loopy and DAMN does this shit make me hot. I'm burning up. Kare slept on the couch last night(he waited until I was asleep to abandon me, which I thought was pretty sweet) 'cause I had the fan blasting in our room last night.
Football, how I love thee. I shall miss thee, O Football, even though you have suckethed mightily this year. I am so fucking glad that someone finally decided to fire that bastard Turner, now perhaps we can get somewhere next year. I'm looking forward to seeing what the Raiders can do next year with somebody, anybody who is NOT Turner.
Kare drove me to work today, another sweet thing that he did, and the ladies were fussing over me, like they do, talking about how "brave I was"...Kare eyes me and says (blandly, like he does). "He's not brave, he's a dumbass. It was a STUPID thing to do." I agree. ^^ Everyone complains that he abuses/mistreats me, but I love the way that Kare doesn't sugarcoat me. We have a very strange relationship. He keeps me grounded. I don't get ideas above my station with Kare around.
I'm posting a drabble for ya'll to read, that I posted over in
housefic, because subjecting ya'll to my obsessions is what this journal is all about. Feel free to say nothing if it sucks, or you can tell me it sucks, but don't tell it's good if it sucks. I believe that my default setting is "sucks", so don't worry about hurting my feelings. ^^
And I want a bean burrito from Taco Bell. With an unyielding passion. Now, the question is, who am I going to whine and torture and aggravate until they go get me one? Whose lucky day is it to be my prey? *mwahhahhaaaa* I'm going to go track down my victim. I'm thinking I'll get farther with Julian's boyfriend than my own. That's sad. ^^
Title: Burden
simple__manFandom, Pairing: House, House/Wilson
Prompt: Touch, cane
Warnings: none (well, this is my first House drabble, but that’s about it)
Notes: Drabble written for
wordclaim_50Summary: House plays with his cane. ^^
He enjoyed the comfortable weight of the cane, the smooth feel of wood as it twirled it between his long fingers, the inexorable rhythm of his thoughts translating into movement. The more complex the problem, the faster and more lyrical the cane’s journey through the air .
Detaching mind from body through the hypnotic motion of the cane was perhaps its most useful attribute. The necessity of its continued use was an embarrassment, however, a puzzle his mind had not yet solved, perhaps could never solve. The weight of the cane (the burden of his pain) lay heavy on his shoulders.