Title: Doomed
Pairing: House/Wilson (pre-slash)
Disclaimer: Not mine, at all.
Rating: PG (for mentions of crossdressing) Make that PG-13, for mentions of male nipples. I know, horrifying.
Author's Notes: Found this while I was cleaning out my desk, decided to type it up and post it. Just thought I'd share one of my own fetishes with House.
He can't stop imagining Wilson in drag; the flicker of a flirty hem against those firm calves, slim ankles captured neatly by the strap of heeled sandals, the slope of the angle tilting his ass just so. Nipples tight from the gliding of the silken, sliding material over the planes of his boyish chest.
He hesitates at imagining the familiar features of his best friends, those dark eyes always look on him with disappointment, or perhaps, shame.
He should feel ashamed, not Wilson, but he just can't seem to stop himself. Those slim hips, the trim, tailored back...
He's doomed.