Title: Wanderlust
Fandom: House
Pairing: House/Wilson; House/Chase; possible House/Wilson/Chase
House knows Wilson's about to cheat.
It's as obvious as the godawful French shoes on his wandering feet, the expensive green tie around his lying neck.
Knowing and accepting? Two very different things.
He's too damned smart and too damned pretty to accept being ditched by James Fucking Wilson.
No way in hell is he taking on the mantle of Ex-Wife Number Four.
He can't stop him, but he can outsmart him.
"Chase, darling, come to Papa," he leers.
If Jimmy wants in on this action, he's gonna have to bring his tight little ass home. And stay there.
I can't believe I actually completed something. Go me.
In personal news, I completely annihilated Julian earlier. We were fucking around outside with some of our friends, and he was like "Fight me, Nick" and I was like, Uh...NO. I mean, he's not old or anything, he's in his forties, but I'm not gonna just hit my dad. But he kept fucking with me.
And we had on Rayce and Ryan's gloves, and he hit out at me, and the velcro fucking scratched my arm up. So I got pissed and hit him. Right in his mouth. He was like DAMN. If we had been wearing MMA gloves, I'd have knocked his fucking teeth out. His mouth was all bleeding and shit. He swears he couldn't see out of his left eye. He's full of shit. I did bust his lip on both sides, though. It's all swollen. He couldn't even eat his fries.
It was funny as shit though. You'd think he'd leave me alone, but he's been fucking with my head all night.
Oh yeaaah. Forgot to mention that. Shaved my head. K is so beyond pissed with me right now. It's not like it'll take long to grow out. I'll dye it again as soon as it does. I just wanted to see what it'd look like. I look like a skinhead. I think I'm too fucking skinny right now to not have hair. It ain't for lack of eating though.
We were gonna have a get together for Lily Beth this weekend, but Aunt is like deathly sick. Sage, too, and the twins. Just is suspiciously healthy, as is Uncle Evan. I called and talked to Auntie earlier, she was all quiet and soft-spoken and almost sort of nice to me. I think she may be dying. ^^
She swears it's not a cold, that she's allergic to the cat.
Have I told you about this cat? She basically adopted Cleo, and Cleo hates cats, but she can't get rid of the thing. It's ugly as shit, like literally, shit brown with yellow spots, and we just call it Mama Cat. Apparently it can open doors, bc she can't seem to lock it out. Or up. Or anything. Wherever she is, that's where the cat is.
Strangely enough, the dogs haven't bothered her. They seem to like the cat, which just pisses Aunt off no end. I think it's GREAT. She did get a good laugh out of me busting Leelee's lip. She was like "Hit him again for me!!"
Kare and Miju are painting their toenails, watching football. This is the sort of shit you see in my house. It fucks with your brain, I tell you!
Anyway, the next project. I completely snagged this idea from
Give me one to five words. You can give me a fandom/pairing if you want, too, or not. I'll use as many of the words as possible. I'm not limiting myself on words, but you may get anything from a drabble up to a fic, just depending on how the muse takes me. I'm taking ten to start off with. Go!!
ETA: Fandoms are Angel, Buffy, Bones, Firefly, House, and Dresden Files. Any other fandom, ask me. If I feel comfortable enough in it to write it, I will.