Title: Reminiscent
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Draco implied
Rating: PG
"Dude, seriously, it's not only the wrong color, size, and consistancy it's also the wrong flavor."
Harry laughed, causing his students to raise their heads up guiltily. They flushed and stowed their contraband, a magazine of indeterminate origins (although he imagined that the words "Weasley" and "twins" would not be too wild a guess), and went back to their work with furious intent.
"Should I ask?" his partner murmured, quill scratching with measured grace.
Harry stood at Draco's elbow, watching contentedly over the sea of heads that filled the Hall. "American slang and Weasley Influence."
"Never mind then," Draco said, bowing his silver head over his work, "The less I know, the less I'll have to lie about later."
"I think it's cute."
"Severus won't think so. Lupin may see your point, though."
"I'd rather they get their toys from the Weasleys, than from, say, Knockturn Alley," Harry said, leaning over and rapping his knuckles on young Mr. Lucas' head. "Less talking, more Charms."
Young Mr. Lucas had the good grace to blush, but not enough sense to refrain from saying, "It's Runes, sir."
"Then there should be no talking at all, Mr. Lucas," Draco snapped, peering down his nose at the tow-head second year. Professor Malfoy was almost as bad for taking points as the Headmaster himself.
Harry chuckled as Lucas whipped around in his seat, ears flaming, and turned his attention back to Draco. "They'll do it anyway, you know that. We certainly did."
After a moment, Draco conceded, "That we did."
Their eyes met, and laugh passed between them. Harry turned and motioned over the offending duo, a mismatched set in Gryffindor and Slytherin colors. The boys were hesitant, tripping over their robes and two sets of gangly, unwieldy limbs.
Harry waited, letting them stew, then held his hand out, expectantly. The boys blinked at him, in amusing (and highly-annoying unison. Draco put down his quill, and sighed, "Stars and stones, Potter."
The boys looked between the two professors with naked curiousity. Harry rolled his eyes, "The catalog, boys."
The phrases "But, sir!" and "Please, Professor" were heard, silenced immediately by Draco's cold glare. The taller of the boys, a Gryffindor with the unfortunate surname "Shanks", reached into his bag and pulled out, as Harry had predicted, the Weasley twins' (extremely rare and much sought-after) fall catalog.
The shorter, scrawnier Slytherin, who refused to answer to his christian name and was known to both friend and foe as "Chance", made as if to argue, but a raised eyebrow from Draco stopped him in his tracks. That eyebrow had been present at Chance Zabini's birth, and was not afraid to bandy about the name "Chauncey" if need be.
Rounded shoulders and pouty lips shuffled from the Hall. Harry didn't feel the least bit of remorse. They would most likely drown their sorrows in butterbeer and glut themselves on kisses and each other. That would certainly be his plan of action back in his younger days. If he had the chance to relive his tumultuous teenage years, he would most certainly do it all over again.
"You're thinking things," Draco said accusatorily, and Harry whistled innocently, thumbing through the catalog absent-mindedly. Until page seventeen caught his eye...
"Absolutely not!" Professor Malfoy cried, causing every head in the Great Hall to swivel in his direction.
Professor Potter was grinning maniacally, his green eyes glinting strangely in the afternoon light.
Mr. Lucas leaned over to Miss Singh and whispered, "There they go again."
Miss Singh turned a lovely shade of purple, and giggled into her Runes.
A - Age that you lost your virginity? Not answering this question. Sorry.
B - Band to listening to right now? Arctic Monkeys. I try to stop, but I can't.
C - (Dream) car? '68 GTO
here, or
maybe the '79 Parisienne
here, or if you really love me, this '74 Charger
Hell, I'd just be happy with this '73 Mustang
D - Dad's name? Julian Bredon (last name).
E - Easiest person to make you laugh? Probably Miju. He says the most random, cute things. I steal his little sayings regularly. Sage comes a close second, bc he doesn't try to be funny, but is anyway.
F - Food you miss most? Definitely regional things. Usually stuff I don't realize I miss until I have a hefty craving for it. Zapp's Cajun crawfish chips, for one. Cajun boiled peanuts.
G - Any encounters with ghosts? Yeah. Not going into it. It's not scary or anything, just personal.
H - Person most hated at the moment? Just the usual suspects.
I - Interesting unknown fact about yourself? I apparently have "unerring taste" in purses. According to Kare. I always like the most expensive ones. *shrug* Random thing noted about me today.
J - The first letter of the first person who broke your heart? I've never had my heart broken.
K - Kissing with eyes opened or closed? Both. Depends on the situation.
L - Last time you did LSD? So not fucking answering this.
M - Most memorable moment you can think of right now? Probably when we first got Min. She was so little and perfect, and it was hard to believe that she was gonna be a part of our family. It was incredibly powerful.
N - Nicknames? Nicky Tai, of course, Nicky Too Tai (Min's doing, and we still don't know why), Red, Hambone, Fox, Bo Peep (shut UP), Nicky T, Nick, Nichoras, Nicky Tube Socks (I beg you not to ask), Ty, and occasionally Rhys. There are more, but that's just off the top of my head.
O - What's your most valued possession? The ring that Kare gave me.
P - Paper or Plastic? Do I care. No.
Q - The last quote you heard? "If I don't write it down, then it never existed."
R - What are you allergic to? Cats and pine trees. Doesn't stop me from being around either one.
S - Song you sang last? "Over My Head" by The Fray
T - Time you woke up? 5 am
U - Favorite pair of underwear? These insanely expensive Armani boxer briefs that I got for my birthday.
V - Vegetable you hate most? Beets.
W - What is your biggest tangible fear? Being left alone.
X - X-rated love life? Oh my, yes. ^^
Y - Year you were born? 1984
Z - Zodiac sign? Leo
*shifty eyes* I think there was stuff I wanted to post about, but I forgot. So, tell me something interesting you did today. ^^
Still taking "First Kisses" prompts. And there are still 2 raffle prompts. The numbers 1 and 2 are all that's left.
I want ice cream, but I'm too fucking lazy to go get in the car and go buy some. I need an ice cream delivery service. *big yawns*