General theme: Uniforms If you enter an icon for this theme, your icon must feature a character wearing a uniform of some sort, be it school, work, etc.
I'm very sorry that this is up late... especially since we got a huge amount of participants suddenly after that final reminder, and you guys all make me feel even more guilty by submitting on time. ;A; I wasn't at a computer yesterday, so here it is. 8) 21 icons this week
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There are currently three icons from two participants. Nooooo this is definitely not enough for voting to be up! Please submit if ya have the time, the provided image this week is beautiful as well. 8) Submissions close tonight at 9pm PDT.
There are currently one icon from one participant. ;A; what happened guys?! Still need some more icons, more is always welcome and appreciated! There's even a beautiful image being used this week by Benjamin, so go go go submit! Submissions will close Friday, August 19th, 2011 at 9pm PDT.
Still need more votes! There's a couple ties, and I don't want to do a tie-breaker, so go vote if you haven't (especially if you submitted; fair's fair). 8) Voting is still being closed tomorrow night at 9pm PDT!
☉ vote for three icons in order of preference, and two for special category, best color and best provided image, which is the icon that is the best usage of the provided image
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I'm sorry about not posting voting up yet, and not having week 040 themes up. It's been a busy weekend. Voting will be closed tonight because of my short absence.
There are currently thirteen icons from six participants. Yay we got some more since the last reminder! More is always welcome and appreciated though. 8) Submissions close tonight at 9pm
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