
Dec 16, 2004 15:43

Today was an awesome day...but i dont feel like explaining. The assembly and the choir concert were SOOO fun. But yea...So i was takin the bus home today and this stupid ass freshman girl(the typical stereotype, loud obnoxious, overly friendly to every fuckin detail about everything) started talkin to me like 2 sec. b4 i had to leave the bus...she ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

babyrapp01 December 16 2004, 22:05:40 UTC
i dont think u look like ur in jr high! loser frosh. but i dont think u should be so mad- thats not an insult. when ppl tell me i look younger than i am i just tell them thatll ill be happy about that when im 30 and only look like im 20!


simplelife_not December 16 2004, 22:45:12 UTC
Umm....Yeah thats an insult....she fuckin told me i look like im in 7th grade...i dunno, but im definitly not u. that hurts me. if it doesnt hurt u, then good. u dont have to b upset...but i havent been happy lately @ all if u havent noticed...im wearing a mask and only 2 or 3 people have said ne thing about it...practically ne thing could break that mask when im by myself...so please watch what u say...some things u say, or dont say hurt me.


more2mylife December 17 2004, 01:48:55 UTC
from the love of the bestest person in the world....u DO NOT look like ur in jr high....psh i wish u could go bac in time a bitch slap that girl till she can't c nemore...haha and it would b even funnier if i was there 2 watch!! LOl


simplelife_not December 17 2004, 12:46:37 UTC
Thanx Meg!!! hehe. Hopefully i wont get too pissed off on the bus today and just punch her in the face...cuz then id get suspended or something, and that would b bad...hmm...maybe i should just not get off @ my stop, get off @ hers later and when no ones watchin just come up from behind her and jump her!!!! MUAHAHAHA! lol...but lets hope for my saftey(from the law) and not her saftey @ all. She can kiss my 7th grade ass. lol. Thanx again hunni!


anonymous December 19 2004, 01:16:40 UTC
PMS anyone? cry me a river? brush it off and be strong! and violence is the KEY!!! yeah your on the right track... good job


simplelife_not December 19 2004, 20:09:11 UTC
Yep....definitly PMS....haha


anonymous December 22 2004, 17:32:05 UTC
wait was that to babyrapp01 or to jackie?


simplelife_not December 22 2004, 17:50:08 UTC
Prolly to me....most likely....


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