Yesterday a coworker was reading off to a customer on the phone -- for some reason I couldn't ascertain, although this is public information -- the names of groups who have the meeting room reserved at one of our branches this month. I thought surely I'd been mistaken when I heard her say, "Central Ohio Time Lords
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The group is scheduled to meet again, twice in July. I'm currently supposed to work both days, though, so, unless I happen to be assigned to the branch where the meeting is being held, I still won't get to sneak a peek, alas.
When I was in college (oh so very many years ago), a group of us would gather around my tv every week to watch Dr. Who on PBS (this was the Tom Baker years). Because it was PBS, every now and again there would be fund drives. During one of them, we got together as a group to donate money to the station. We needed a name, so we called ourselves "Shaw 5 Who" since we were living on the 5th floor of Shaw Hall. The station thought it was cool and actually mentioned us on air ("there are even groups of people who get together to watch this show" or something of the like). That was THIRTY YEARS AGO and I still remember it!
Seriously, try and check them out, you have me so curious!
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