Maplecliffe BACC, Week 8: Pride

Apr 25, 2015 14:14

I couldn't bear for Sapph to die, so we start off this week with the old girl getting a little less old via elixir.

Shy: You know my daughter, Luna? She's about to grow up!
That's some great gossip there, Shy. You're so bad.

You're also a total liar. I'm pretty sure the fact that you've got a child in the other room proves that you weren't a virgin before this, Shy.

But hey, we've got love! We'll add racing_oatmeal's Cassiopeia to her bedpost.

This is pretty much all Sapph does anymore. Whenever she's left to her own devices she's either sunbathing or building sandcastles.

Business tycoon! Thank you chance card! Now you can spend your time wooing the ladies instead of learning your skills.

Enter _simplyrandom's Dusty. Doesn't take much to get her into bed either.

Aww, Jan approves from beyond the grave.


For the first few days this week, Luna's fears were all about fires and people dying. FInally, she rolled a fear of passing out. Done! Hello red zone!

Shy takes a trip downtown and immediately hits it off with bbyclawz's Brie.

And then they get down in the elevator.

Awesomesauce rules state that Generation Black sims must become something supernatural, so she starts to get friendly with the neighbourhood alpha. I think his name is Rupert.

Shy: Seriously? You want me to flirt with her?
What kind of romance sim are you?

I'm not sure what happened here, but suddenly Shy is FURIOUS with Luna. Luna's totally fine though. *shrugs* Her collection of loves is slowly but steadily growing though.

Anyway, back to the wooing. Eve (dorkasaur) isn't about to let Shy place her hands just anywhere on her body.

I...guess she changed her mind? Also, LIAR AGAIN, SHY.

brilliantcat's Nathrezim Magicakes called up and invited Shy to go downtown, and I figured, why not.

...Until she actually got downtown and realized that both Brie AND Cassiopeia were in the group. Aaand that was the end of that outing.

I needed to get Sapph's mood up so that she could drink more elixir, and she didn't have enough influence points for the influencing wants she had, so we were left with a want to prank someone.

Shy got her back a moment later though.

FU burglar! And I'd forgotten to put in a burglar alarm too. So Shy had to call the cops herself.

Thankfully, creepy mustachio'd cop saves the daynight.

Sigh. I'm never going to hear the end of this.

Yep. She's still bottomed out. Tantrum away, Luna! I'm not allowed to fulfill your wants.

Shy's only got about 13 days left before she comes an elder, so we need to get with the baby-making! After several attempts with her various loves, I finally put her on a fertility treatment. Hopefully that'll help.

Sapph: At this rate, we'll have to adopt a kid *grumble grumble*

As expected, Luna grew up badly.

She's cute though! She rolled Fortune/Romance and wants to be a Criminal Mastermind. And because of Generation Black rules, she's got to reach the top of her opposite dream job before she can get her dream job. So Law Enforcement first it is!

Anyway, that it for the Prides! The Bears are up next!

sims 2, bacc, pride legacy, awesimsauce

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