Maplecliffe BACC, Week 8: Klara and Kitana Brown

May 15, 2015 23:18

Even from the beginning of the week, Kitana proves to be more of a mother to Lenobia than her actual mother.

Apparently Reilly (disastrousone) is all into the polyamory.

Kitana should've taken the first hint, obvs.

I don't think she minds, in the end.

Not to be left out, Klara invites Verchiel over too!

And then one ups her sister by proposing to her man. XD

...And then the usual. Of course.

I love these two. One electrocutes the other, and still it's the most hilarious thing ever.

I haven't had a werewolf yet, so I figured I'd let Kitana make a friend. Plus, the kids in the black generation of the Pride house need to be some sort of supernatural, so if I can make a controllable a werewolf, it'll make it that much easier when it needs to happen.

I made Kitana rake leaves in order to burn them and get rid of them, but immediately after she finished, she jumped in the pile. Adorable. Of course, I made her re-rake them again.

LTW for Klara! The politics career track is now open!

Lenobia has grown into a somewhat adorable child! She's got some chin though. That chin is all Grandpa Max.

And she's started making friends! She and Koala Bear play together the very next day.

Another booty call, I presume.

This is the first family I've let have a pool. Of course Kitana would do a cannon ball instead of a fancy dive.

Grumpy Bear has joined Koala and Lenobia today, in a game of water balloons. There aren't many games that more than two kids can play at once, so water balloons it is, even if it is a little chilly outside.

WTF? I get that they used to be together, but dammit! She wasn't supposed to call Bixbite (verocchio) over for a booty call too!

This should fix the problem! Send one boy toy home and immediately invite the other one over and propose to him! What could possibly go wrong?

Dammit, Burleywood Behr (bondchick_nett)! You don't even know these girls! Why must you steal their paper/kick their trash can?

Woot! $15000!

Celebration! Now if she invites Bixbite over, Kitana could be in BIG trouble. XD

Man! I used to wish for burglaries to happen in my other hoods. Now it seems like every family is getting attacked!

F you for stealing the tv, asshole.

Ha! Serves you right. Though I know you'll be back again. Sim City's prison isn't super secure.

...Alright, this is the second time pedo-stache has gone to "talk" to the sleeping child after catching the criminal. Maybe someone should lock him up too.

Wedding time! And what's the first thing Neesha (simsforaranya) and Kaden do when they get to the house? Gossip about one of the brides, of course.

Klara and Verchiel are up first! Klara had the want to marry a rich sim, but it looks Verch is the one who got the memory.

Now Kitana and Reilly! And then they all went on their honeymoon...and left Lenobia at home. I got the social worker warning, and I was so afraid she'd come before the adults came home, but thankfully, they got home first.

And then jumped right into bed, because natch.

And that's it for this week! Next up, Firebolt and Avelina Foster!

pixel_trade, brown, sims 2, bacc

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