Age: 16 (15 in canon, had a birthday in camp).
Height: Maybe 5'3"? He grew a LOT during his coma.
Weight: He's slender but he has a fair amount of muscle from swinging around a keyblade. And he eats a lot though this never comes up. I. I don't know.
Eyes: Blue.
Hair: Brown.
Medical Info: He's one hundred percent fit! In very good shape, thanks to swimming almost every day for most of his life and then his travels~
Physical traits: His hair is SPIKES OF DEATH. He's on the short side and wears bad clothes. Also swings around giant key which he usually does not have out unless he calls it. |D
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything. He bounces back quickly. Just don't say mean things about his friends. Also if you're certain people (and you know who you are) he may glare or swing at. I'll tell you if that happens, though.
Abilities: He uses magic. Has a key that locks and unlocks ANYTHING (so if you have something you want to remained unlocked and you're talking to him let me know |D) ALSO this Sora ended up being a Sora who'd maxed out his drives, so he can glide, high jump and all that stuff. He usually doesn't, though because I fail and forgot.
Notes for the Psychics: Sora's thought process tends to jump around while being focused on the same thing. He thinks a lot about his friends. Thinks a lot about home. He's very twitchy. Tries not to dwell too much on sad stuff.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure, he's very versatile.
Maim/Murder/Death: You can but-- there's the whole deal with Roxas and the Nobodies. Anything beyond a simple KO would be pressing the boundaries of their canon. Also, he has a posse. And Sora saves, so.
Kissing/Hugging: Sora has a girlfriend! That being said, go ahead. XD He'll hug back but he's very uncomfortable with prolonged physical contact with ANYONE unless he's close to them. And even then he doesn't like it all the time. Also he's still embarassed with kissing.
Cooking: He does campfire cooking and microwaved meals.