
Aug 03, 2006 15:44

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Comments 5

___hemlines August 5 2006, 10:50:26 UTC
you're such a gaylord. sometimes.
I am pleased that we spoke about project runway today.
I'm even more pleased that you are so giddy about that show. it's hella funny.
but like anyway I'll talk to you later when you write an actual entry. l8r cheese gr8r.


___hemlines August 19 2006, 09:28:12 UTC
thanks for the call last night. if you even remember it. hah.


___hemlines September 1 2006, 06:39:42 UTC
I did a horrible thing which is download joanna newsom's album Ys that is coming out in november and it is rocking my cosmos but I feel bad for downloading it but aaghhhhh it's so nice.


___hemlines September 4 2006, 04:45:59 UTC
dude yeah i've heard of this angelina. she is a trip.

yeah I'm still totally going to buy the actual copy when it comes out in november. i just felt like a huge nasty pirate though, cause it just accidentally leaked through pitchfork media or something. do you want me to burn you a copy of it, or do you want to wait?
I will totally mail you stuff when i get around to it.

have you been watching project runway? my black man is flourishin. it's too bad that I can never remember his name though. and angela finally went home thank god!


___hemlines September 9 2006, 01:05:00 UTC
I'm burning you a cd of new jojo and some other filler songs that I hope you like ( ... )


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