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purelovesong's lj.
My NaNo Commandments
1. Thou shalt not withhold candy from the trick-or-treaters just because you're stockpiling it for NaNo. It's mean.
2. Thou shalt write during Physiology, but not during Chemistry. Because let's not be stupid about these things, alright?
3. Thou shalt not procrastinate on thy word count.
4. Thou shalt not get on LJ, Facebook, or the NaNo forums before finishing thy daily word count (see 3).
5. Thou shalt remember that thy homework is more important than NaNo, especially when it is worth 10% of your grade.
6. Thou shalt not become a hermit until the final week, and then only if more than 5k behind on wordcount.
7. Thou shalt post the wordcount daily, to remind thyself to keep on track.
8. Thou shalt not talk about thy novel to strangers on the bus. They don't want to hear about it, and most of them are kinda creepy.
9. Thou shalt not self-edit...unless daily wordcount has been met and thou cannot help it.
10. Thou shalt have fun.