I don't know you and I don't mean to intrude but I couldn't help noticing this post. I know you don't want anyone to be your therapist but I just have to say that i find what you say here to be very disrespectful of other people. you are lucky to have people who care enough about you to be your 'therapist'. imagine if no one cared enough to listen to your problems. not only do people listen, but they comment. thats an important thing to have and not something to be put down. as for claiming people who make 'quick exits' are just failing you, you hardly leave them any choice. here you yell and scream for people to leave you alone and when people don't want to stick around to put up with the abuse, they've suddenly failed you. i realize you have an axiety disorder and maybe this has something to do with it. but regardless, i think you should at least realize how lucky you are. i know you probably are still maturing and maybe you'll realize all this someday. for now i just wanted to point some things out.
First of all, I don't take advice from penises who don't bother to tell me their names. Second, I'll tell you what I tell everyone else- if you don't like it- don't read it. This is a journal, it's MY feelings and I can say and do as I please. You and everyone else are FORTUNATE enough to be able to see it. Third, I never said anything about not appreciating that people care about me- the people that matter know how much I love and appreciate them. But people like you, well, I don't need you trying to analyze my life and "fix me". Another thing, what I write here is VENTING, this is not how I amm all the time THATS why i put disclaimers in there, so people like you will leave me the hell alone and PS I don't yell or scream in real life- thank you very much.
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