
Dec 15, 2010 11:05

I felt like posting something, so I answered some questions I found :D

Which is your most favorite book ever?
I have a lot of favorites, so it's really hard to choose just one.

Which is the one television character that you simply adore?
Stewie from Family Guy.

What is your taste in music?
I listen to all kinds, except for songs where people just yell, that usually gives me a headache.

Which is your favorite genre of movies?
Anything with supernatural themes.

What do you do when you are feeling very sad or depressed?
I try to get my mind off things that make me feel bad, I just stop thinking about that stuff and think about something good or just really mundane.

What makes your angry? Do you get angry very often? How do you overcome your anger?
I get irritated pretty easily, but I can't remember the last time I was truly angry about something. But when I do get angry, I just go somewhere else and calm down.

Which is the best vacation you’ve ever had in your life?
I think the best vacation I've had was when I was in the ninth grade and the whole class went on a cruise to Sweden. We had a lot of interesting things happen on the ship.

If you could have a luncheon with any three people (real or fictitious/from any time period, dead or alive), which three people would you choose?
Edward Cullen (Twilight), an Egyptian pharaoh (preferably from the Old Kingdom), and my sister (who passed away in 2004).

Which is your most cherished childhood memory? How were you as a kid?
I don't have a specific memory from my childhood. I just remember having a lot of fun with my siblings. I was always very responsible and collected as a child, of course even I was able to throw fits when the occasion called for it, but for the most part I was the one telling smaller kids around me why we shouldn't wander too far from our parents :D

If given complete freedom to start afresh, what profession would you choose and why?
I always wanted to be either a paleontologist or an archeologist when I was growing up, so I'd go with one of those.

Which is your favorite time of the day, are you a morning person or a night person?
I am definitely NOT a morning person, I hate getting up early. I'd say my favorite time of the day is the evening.

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
The craziest things always happen when I'm drunk, and I'd rather not share those :)

Name one person whom you love the most and one person whom you hate the most.
The person I love the most is definitely my mom. As for the person I hate the most, I can't really say, because in my opinion hate is a pretty strong word. Yes, I dislike some people, but I don't hate them.

If given a choice, which animal would you want to be? Why?
I would want to be something that can fly, so maybe some kind of eagle.

Who was your first crush? Did you ever tell him/her about your feelings?
My first crush was a boy named Allan. And no, I never told him that, and I never will.

Which is your most favorite place on this earth?
I'd have to say my favorite place to be is home, wherever that may be. It doesn't have to be just at my parents house, or my own. Just a place I'm comfortable at.


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