k-pop; talk me down

Jan 31, 2016 20:46

Title: Talk me down
Pairing: Chanyeol/Jongin
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jongin is only looking for something to take his mind off his hellish week. He isn’t expecting Chanyeol.
Author’s Note: well i guess this is what happens when i don't write a proper chankai for six months--i end up writing 16k out of nowhere!!! wt f. this was actually started back ( Read more... )

genre: au, r: pg-13, type: fanfiction, g: exo, p: kai/chanyeol

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Comments 4

oldwillow_brook February 1 2016, 06:38:40 UTC
So I told myself to hold off on reading this because I wanted to read this at work but I honest to god couldn't stop myself from finishing this fic.

The thing I love about your writing and the way you build your characters is that everything feels so REAL. It's not just Jongin and Chanyeol in a hypothetical situation but truly watching Jongin fill into this human being that I love, appreciate and understand. I love Chanyeol, I love the way he treats Jongin but I also love his sincerity. It's isn't about the end so much with Chanyeol and Jongin but the journey that Chanyeol gains with Jongin and I love that the most. I feel that the most. That Chanyeol's sincerity comes from his interest and not just for Jongin's body.

I love that Jongin emphasizes how comfortable he is. How easy it is. How he doesn't feel pressured. The hardest thing about doing something you're uncomfortable with, isn't just doing it but everything else that comes with it. It's the pressure that's placed by not knowing the intentions of the other person. It's not ( ... )


atheend February 3 2016, 19:15:02 UTC
Love love love it!!!!! Glad it turn out longer than expected because it was so good and I enjoyed reading every word!!!


j2ster February 27 2016, 12:03:38 UTC
this is so CUTE!! i really really liked not only the main ideas (like the fact that cy doesn't exceptionally want sex despite the cliche meeting-at-the-bar-and-bringing-the-other-person-home plot) but also the tiny moments like:

“He’s cute, okay?” Chanyeol huffs, snatching the post-its out of Jongin’s hands. “I like cute things.” He looks right at Jongin when he says it, intense, and Jongin has to look away quickly so Chanyeol can’t see him blush.
chanyeol liking cute things and also jongin bc he's cute ajdehsk LOOK AT THE CUTE

if the entire 16k of this fic is not the most adorable chankai idk what is. c:


deletedeneb October 5 2016, 06:03:53 UTC


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