Apr 18, 2011 03:06
- 01:14:09: Everyone should have a tiny kitten in their shirt pocket! http://flic.kr/p/9za3uB
- 06:13:27: .@ notanyani Tiger balm... that's kind of like kitten poo, right? Here's some AM cute for you! http://flic.kr/p/9zd3XA
- 10:37:14: sighs - if everyone in the world had tiny kittens to gaze at them and whap uncoordinatedly with bellies showing, I think it would all be ok.
- 10:38:30: which is to say - I'm seriously dying of cute, here! They are on the up-curve of cuteness now. It only gets steeply cuter each day now!
- 10:41:41: @ mactavish GAH! That's overwhelmingly adorable! :)
- 10:42:31: @ tenacious_snail (hugs) everything ok, otherwise?
- 10:42:59: The kittens are getting visitors today! They seem unexcited, but I'm happy for the spread of cute ;)
- 17:22:56: .@ little_ribbit feel free to pass along my website as a contact point, or pass the info on to me :)
- 17:34:52: .@ ljellis they were kinda cute, weren't they? ;) Like, at least a little? ;)
- 17:46:12: .@ FocalChanges Pampi is sweeter than can be imagined! He just doesn't like company right now *sighs*
- 17:46:49: .@ FocalChanges Also, so sorry to hear of your losses - that's really hard, especially so close together (hugs)
- 18:45:48: .@ FocalChanges Cuddle kitties really leave giant holes in their absenses!
- 18:50:08: .@ FocalChanges aw thanks :) I have some new photos to upload later tonight - but first, um, taxes! ;)
- 18:51:17: The kittens received several visitors today! I think @ ljellis might have died of cute a little, as well as Anje, Carolyn, and Chad :)
- 19:04:03: .@ miss_mimsy oh awesome! Congrats to you both!!!
- 19:22:16: .@ Cheesymice I have a feeling she will have a line of potential adopters - she is really irresistable!
- 21:43:57: Can't. Stop. Playing. Whappy. Paws. Minnie is killing me, seriously!
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