05:21:02: Yawn ... all six fed & tucked back into their separate boxes (3 & 3) ... back to bed for me! Tmw the woman who found MMC is visiting w kids!
09:02:50: .@ iMoonie yeah, I know, right? That's a golden litter for fostering - they'll adopt themselves out!
09:03:27: .@ tenacious_snail you are one of my kitty-heroes! I know I do what many can't, but so do you! (hugs)
09:10:28: .@ iMoonie eh, I think they will because they're cute and sweet, but a black and tabby litter is pretty bland, as these things go ;)
11:19:44: Just had a GREAT visit with the woman who FOUND my bag kittens! Came with her mom and two adorable daughters ages 6 & 8. Kittens TIRED now!
11:25:46: @ ckshowalter bwaa ha ha ... you will succumb, eventually ... don't you know that already? ;)
11:28:39: .@ ckshowalter I will gladly give it to you, & pick up the phone when (not if) you call ... Bitties can be nervewracking as well as rewarding
13:03:32: Wow - Pampi just played fetch for so long that he was PANTING! Yes, I got video :)
13:05:23: Sighs ... I don't really want to give back my temporary bonus kittens - even though two are stubborn and troublesome. Because, actually.
18:37:17: Raise of hands - who is legitimately surprised that "babysitting" just turned into "fostering" of my three bonus kittens ;) 3+3 kittens FTW!
19:06:22: .@ ckshowalter not yet - but now I get to name them. They're still "hers" and I'm fostering under her, so she'll approve adoptions.
19:07:57: .@ ckshowalter which will hopefully work out ok - I'm pretty independent, so I hope it doesn't wreck our new friendship. I think it won't.
19:57:06: Wait, what, so no one is surprised then? So, yeah, have six kittens now. Yawn!
21:00:37: You guys may know me a tiny bit too well ;) So I think in return for your astute observations about me, you get this: http://is.gd/gnuXIu
21:23:48: The only remotely 420-related activity today involved 4 cats, a stolen bag of catnip, and a dustpan and brush. #MyLifeOnCats