May 04, 2011 03:05
- 18:13:27: Crap - Minnie's got some bug or something. *fret* Good thoughts more than welcome. #IHateThisPart
- 18:46:26: .@ ckshowalter weight's been fine. Barfed, then got whiny, then has a slight shivery fever. Just subqed and quarantined her.
- 18:48:17: .@ Ravan_A me too! Nanuk had a barfing episode on Sun and Mon, and is FINE today, and very feisty. Hope this passes fast!
- 21:03:42: tentative good news - the subq and the nap has made her more her usual self ... she's played whappy paws and purred. *hopeful* :)
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