Title: Rough Winds Do Shake Rating: T Word Count: 1,890 Warnings: None Summary: In the immediate aftermath of the destruction of Cloud Nine, Bill and Laura are together in his quarters.
Incredibly beautiful and so vividly written. This gets right to the core of what makes this OTP so special:-) The imagery of flowers and seasons is so well done, it reads like poetry. That they might've had an interlude like this, between the elections and settlement, is firmly in my head canon. Well done!
"They had been bound together by duty and genocide."
You have a knack for evoking nostalgia, using fresh metaphors.
"...killing-frost of this post apocalypse..."
The simple admission that she had trained herself to experience the world alone, was one of the most astute and heartbreaking self-evaluations I've ever heard in Laura's voice.
"She had learned to be lonesome..."
The rhythm and pace was rewarding; after the steady exploration of her inner world, the transition from overthinking to action was cathartic. It made sense that Bill sensed her distraction with her own internal realm. That final interaction between them is timeless and rings so true.
"She had been thinking for too long, and he had taken notice."
Comments 2
I loved so many little turns of phrase.
"They had been bound together by duty and genocide."
You have a knack for evoking nostalgia, using fresh metaphors.
"...killing-frost of this post apocalypse..."
The simple admission that she had trained herself to experience the world alone, was one of the most astute and heartbreaking self-evaluations I've ever heard in Laura's voice.
"She had learned to be lonesome..."
The rhythm and pace was rewarding; after the steady exploration of her inner world, the transition from overthinking to action was cathartic. It made sense that Bill sensed her distraction with her own internal realm. That final interaction between them is timeless and rings so true.
"She had been thinking for too long, and he had taken notice."
Beautifully written; thanks for sharing!
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