that answers that question, then

Jun 07, 2010 10:51

Still bitter.

If you need context, here. And if you want to be squeeful about it? Kindly take it somewhere else, kthx.

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Comments 10

stlscape June 7 2010, 18:03:15 UTC
Thanks for the heads-up, I think. It'll give me time to brace myself for the squees that I *do* stumble across. I strongly doubt I'll be watching anything that Rusty's involved in, so I won't be rushing to subscribe to Starz.

I'd say "So long, and thanks for all the fish", but since Rusty has already put them in a barrel and shot them...yep, still bitter too.


simplystars June 7 2010, 18:11:43 UTC
I totally respect people being happy about it, the RTD-can-do-no-wrong contingent and the people who have no qualms about the Torchwood-as-revolving-door concept (which, granted, is canon; but it's not what made me love TW and *want* to watch it - that was Jack and Ianto and Tosh and Owen, and 75% of that was folded and spindled and mutilated beyond repair)...

But yeah, not here, and not me. Here I get to be as bitter and resentful as I want to be, which apparently is, like, elephantine in memory. :-p

TW is dead, long live Janto fic.


stlscape June 7 2010, 18:26:50 UTC
Squee has now hit my friends list, so THANK YOU, SO.MUCH. for posting so quickly and allowing myself time to prepare for it.

ITA with you. If people are happy with the news, good for them - that's certainly their prerogative. Me, I've got *my* Torchwood, and that doesn't include COE. (Note, "COE" not "TW: COE". Smashing plasticine labelled TW into a script for another show doesn't make it TW - at least not for me.)'s out for summer, yes? Hooray for you!


simplystars June 7 2010, 18:36:49 UTC
Heh, Julie posted it on Twitter and I was amazed at how rapidly the loathing and disgust came roaring back... :-/

I haven't even been able to go back and watch s1 or 2. I tried Kiss Kiss Bang Bang on the plane to Seattle in March, but couldn't handle any more than that. *sigh*

Soooooo sticking with closed-canon from now on - I might miss out on the real-time squee, but then there's no ambush that cuts you off at the knees, either. (Also? RTD in the credits is a warning label for hazardous to your mental health. And, you know, blood pressure. :-p)

School is over in the sense that I do not have 27 children every day; but alas, there is still work to do. I actually have a committee meeting in 90 minutes, another one this evening, board meeting tomorrow, and then prep for summer session which starts on Monday. Bleh.


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simplystars June 7 2010, 18:39:53 UTC
I know you liked COE, so I'm glad for you that you get more. Me, I'm gonna coo over baby hippopotami and stuff. ;-)


elliejane June 7 2010, 18:49:39 UTC
I....'m glad they aren't doing a totally US version. I would have felt as if they stomped on TW just to clear the path for that.

Although, maybe, with this international flavour thing, it'll end up being like that, anyway. I hope they keep the Cardiffness of the show - no, I can't explain the term. I suspect it has to do with regular appearances of PC Andy.

Ho hum.


simplystars June 8 2010, 01:26:49 UTC
On the one hand, I think, well - TW Three is gone, there's a ginormous hole in the ground, and RTD is arrogant enough to think he could uproot them & put them anywhere.

Gwen as a fish out of water, but still that little bit of Cardiff left in TW? 'Cos I doubt that RTD gives a fig about PC Andy, in all honesty. But that could just be lingering resentment... *hands in the air*

OTOH, TW without Cardiff, that unmistakable imagery & landscape? It's practically unthinkable. :-/


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simplystars June 8 2010, 01:31:11 UTC
*clings* &hearts


akamine_chan June 8 2010, 00:40:25 UTC
I got nothing but hugs, Stars. *hugs*


simplystars June 8 2010, 01:30:35 UTC
*sniff* It would be, like, if they killed off BOTH Rays AND Dief, and transferred Fraser to, say, Orlando. But look, we'll give him new and exciting fuckbuddies friends and it will BE EVEN BETTER BECAUSE PAUL GROSS IS A GENIUS! And if you don't like it you don't understand/are only in it for the porn/can't tell good storytelling if it bit you on the ass/are just a hater! :-p

[You would also have to assume that PG = RTD, which would be a COLD DAY IN HELL. IJS. *ahem*]


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