Sims 2 Supernova Nova Legacy Challenge 3 Entry
Next Update » Eoghan Padraig
Because everyone knows green is the color of aliens and Ireland.
Knowledge / Pisces
4 Sloppy | 2 Shy | 7 Active | 4 Serious | 8 Nice
LTW: Become Head of SCIA OTH: Unknown
Turn-Ons: Blonde, Creative Turn-Off: Fat
And this will be his little slice of the American Dream...
...which, by the way, is based on this beauty.
It will house Padraigs for many generations to come.
It seemed kind of ridiculous to take "tour" photos of an all-empty house,
so instead I have just an overview for you.
You will notice, we have no dining table. Or lights.
It's been a grand total of 46 minutes, and Eoghan is already pining for home.
Some American Dream, eh?
Eoghan: Day 1, 8:46 am. Dear Diary, I miss Pappy's flat screen.
The newspaper boy is the first walkby.
Aaand then he's the first walk-away.
Which is fine with Eoghan. He goes right off to write about it in his diary.
Eoghan: I've decided to call it an experience register.
After registering more than enough experiences for my taste, I command politely suggest Eoghan look for a job.
Gotta get rolling on that LTW before time runs out.
Meanwhile, outside a representative of the local Garden Club is too shy to ring the doorbell.
Instead, she insists on getting Eoghan's attention by tapping repeatedly on his living room window.
A little-known fact about Eoghan is that he was the four-time champion of the
Endurance Event in the annual Padraig-MacLochlainn-Healy Olympics back home.
Even he could not endure Garden Club's tapping.
Her name is Marian. And Eoghan is immediately captivated. I, personally, think this is too soon.
But if you thought Irishmen were headstrong, Irish aliens are ten times that.
(And their selective hearing is ten times worse.)
Eoghan: I stood behind Johnny McDaid in a queue once.
Yeah, waiting to order some Chinese take-out. D'you even know who that is?
Marian: If a train crashed into our garden, would we notice the noise,
would it make us sit up and turn off the TV?
Eoghan: You know
Marian: I know every remotely garden-related song lyric written. Ever.
The only locals that bothered to stop by and welcome the newcomer were a couple of old guys.
And a quasi-albino.
But the two of them went on ignoring the welcome wagon until they were alone again.
And then the flirting started.
I missed Eoghan's, but they both crushed together.
Eoghan: I'm starving. D'you want to go for a bite to eat? I dunno where's good around here.
Route 42 Diner is a local favorite, complete with a classic burger-and-fries menu, retro jukebox, and
gender-specific restrooms. What's not to like?
The Everly Brothers are on the jukebox when they walk in, so naturally Romeo pulls his girl in to dance.
Marian: The Everly Brothers? Um, no. I do not dance to sub-par musical entertainment.
Luckily for our boy,
Buddy Holly saves the day.
But he doesn't have to credit anyone else when it comes to the 3 bolts of chemistry they share.
Marian: This is called a hamburger. It's very popular in America. Let me show you how to eat it.
Eoghan: Has already eaten half of his sandwich.
. . .
Marian: That man's a fool if he thinks I wouldn't rather shoot myself in the head than have my bladder
explode in front of every patron in this mid-range dining establishment.
Marian's bladder may have reached its limit, but the night is young and so is our hero.
So, he chats up
After all, she's blonde. She looks creative. Maybe there's an undiscovered 4 bolt chemistry?
Aida: An alien named Owen? XD
Eoghan: So this guy turns around to ask me for the time and it's Johnny McDaid! Johnny frickin' McDaid!
Aida: His name should be foreign and alien-sounding.
Something unpronounceable.
. . .
Like Amhlaoibh.
It's about now that Eoghan realizes she's not really listening to anything he's saying.
Which, unfortunately, is kind of a BK for Eoghan.
And I'm not talking about Burger King.
No, my game did not die, but IrfanView apparently did. So I went on playing for a whole 'nother day not even knowing that this is all Irfan was capping for me. I have 71 of these big black beauties.
Anyways, here's what you missed:
- Next morning, Eoghan realizes he doesn't even own a phone, and with a grand total of $8 in his wallet, he's seriously got to find a job.
- There's still no opening in the Intelligence track, so Eoghan tries his hand at treasure hunting.
- And he seems to have a talent for it! He impresses me by digging up two secret lot maps, some fancy vase, and - the grand finale - an actual treasure chest. In total, he earns about $9500 for his loot.
- So, he pays his bills with his new money and finds in his mailbox a restaurant coupon and a love letter from Marian.
- And with his brand new shiny phone, he calls up Marian to ask her out again.
On his way to date número dos with Marian.
Marian: Now this is a classic date-night endeavor. I approve.
To the untrained eye, it would seem both of these people were having an okay time. You will notice, however,
that Marian is actually protecting her most vital organs from a frontal attack.
Marian: Do you see his hands? Do you see them?! Fist and gun.
Domestic violence is not a joke.
It turns out, however, that Eoghan was not trying to kill his date, just kiss her.
Outside, waiting for the taxi to arrive so they can go back to Eoghan's place, BECAUSE...
2 x WooHoo Want
2 x WooHoo Want
This is what we call a win-win situation, folks.
Right, because there just wasn't enough foreplay at the family-friendly bowling alley.
And Match.
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