Sims 2 Supernova Nova Legacy Challenge 3 Entry
« Previous Update Next Update » Marian: Oh why, oh why, oh why?!
Marian: Give him back!
Marian: Pleeeeeeaaazzze.
Marian: Um, I'd like to use a lifeline.
(heh, pun intended! [: )
Marian: I have proved my superiority over the GRIM REAPER.
Marian: I beat death!
-positive memory-
. . .
Wait. But this means...
Eoghan: I live! :D
A friendly hug for your fiancée who has just saved your life?
Yeah, that makes sense to me.
It was about this time I had to leave my PC and go make myself a nice cold cranberry soda.
Because I thought I was about to have a heart attack from all the suspense. xD
Early riser.
Late riser.
Even Eoghan helps out in the garden if he manages to get himself out of bed before noon.
Huzzah! This would be our very first Padraig Legacy ACR interaction.
It was awesome - they literally dropped their gardening tasks and bee-lined it for the bedroom.
Hot new dating trend: Foreplay after the deed is done.
Marian: Eoghan, I heard a highly entertaining but inappropriate joke the other day...
Marian: What kind of cancer do bugs get?
Eoghan: . . . ?
Marian: MalignANT or BEEnign!
Oh, teehee, that's so horrible, I'm so embarrassed...
Eoghan: No, just no. Here's a real dirty joke for you:
A Scot moves to the US and goes to his first baseball game.
He doesn't really understand it, but soon he's jumping up with the rest of the crowd yelling "Run!! Run!!"
After one player leaves home base, the Scot is the only one who jumps up and shouts "Run!!"
The fans around him look at him curiously. The Scot sits down, embarrassed.
A lady sitting next to him leans over to explain, "Actually, that player gets to walk."
"But why?" the Scot asks.
"Four balls," the lady says matter-of-factly.
The Scot's eyes bulge and he jumps up and roars, "Walk PROUD, man, walk PROUD!"
But Eoghan knows how to butter his lady up again.
Slow dancing.
Fine dining.
Eoghan: We should get married tomorrow - it's a great ending, like in the movies!
Couple has a long engagement, man dies a horrible death, fiancée saves his life.
The scare inspires them to finally set a date and cut the long-engagement crap.
. . .
We could sell this! It's great!
Guess Marian thinks so, too?
Btw, what is it with Knowledge sims?
Eoghan: Can't sleep. Too excited for the wedding.
But he finally gets his beauty sleep, too.
Big day!
And none too soon, apparently.
Eoghan: I love the smell of marriage in the morning!
Eoghan: Ready?
Marian: Ready!
Marian: Let's be clear, I did this for the honeymoon.
And for the bastard child growing in my womb.
Ah, Eoghan, you have married a true romantic.
Eoghan: :D :D :D
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