Last time we saw the birth of unique-looking child Misha, Boyd boo-hooing over his fail at school, Aubrey caught with another man and Esme bowled us over with her awesomeness.
So if you read my post from.. a while ago, you'll know the Finch lot moved into a new place, and this is it! I take forever to build something I'm content with, so I downloaded this house from MTS2 & made some adjustments.
Oh Aubrey, you look right at home here... a real dead ringer for Ariel.
Esme: Ah wow, fascinating!
Me: Studying for school, Esme?
Esme: Some human physiology... mostly for the pictures, teehee.
Boyd: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me...
Aubrey: You want me to whaaat?
Aubrey: Ok Sterling, I'm sorry you walked in when I was having sex with that guy I barely knew. How about we kiss and make up now?
Sterling: Excuse me, I need to throw up.
Aubrey: I hate being popular! This phone never stops ringing asdfghjkl;!!
So, I gave Aubrey a bit of a makeover hoping Sterling would appreciate it. She was overdue one anyway.
Aubrey: You should win an award for best cheeseburgers cooked by a shirtless man.
The flattery didn't go over very well and he still was way too mad to sleep next to her.
Aww, Sterling is such a great dad. I love when parents do this autonomously :)
And this!
Sterling: Maybe you should wear that bikini more often.
Boyd: Wahhh, I sware I did all my homewurk!
Boyd: Did you see that? I blew them ALL out, and it only took 6 puffs.
I think Boyd grew up pretty nicely but definitely still looks a lot like his father. He rolled Knowledge/Pleasure.
Wait, he hates himself? He didn't even grow up badly.
Misha: Wow Stephanie, that dress looks great on you.. oh thank you, Rachel! *kissing noises*
Esme is still as competitive as ever.
Sterling endures the first electric shock of the legacy and he survives. I had Esme fix the appliance a while later and she did it in about 4 seconds (they both have high mechanical skill).
Looks like Aubrey and Sterling are back to their usual can’t-keep-their-hands-off-each-other selves.
Boyd scored himself a date with a girl name Merit. He’s doing better than I expected.
I take that back.
Merit: You're lucky I don't have my weave in, or I'd have to kick your ass.
Could explain why Boyd has never had anything higher than a C at school, despite being a Knowledge sim.
Another promotion for Aubrey! I'm not going to show them all though, but she had a few.
Boyd: Hey ladies. *wink* Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
I invited the Headmaster over because Sterling (I believe) had the wants to get all the kids into private school. Aubrey didn’t miss a chance to impress him.
Headmaster: What a nice pair you have, Mrs Finch!
Esme & Boyd: This creep is our headmaster?
Wow, I think that’s the highest score I’ve ever gotten. Aubrey must’ve done something right... actually, she just gave the tour in her bikini, while Esme schmoozed him & had cooked the meal earlier that day.
Misha: I overheard your boyfriend talking about your birthday gift, Esme.
Esme: Oh?
Misha: It’s a pearl necklace!
Boyd: But how can he afford that?
Esme: *twitch*
Aww, I adore this interaction. Say goodbye to Misha as a child, because...
She grew up into a teen who turned out better than I expected! Like Esme she rolled Romance, but her second aspiration is Family. Oh yeah, and she’s about as straight as a circle.
Boyd gets his first kiss with Merit, I think they actually have about 2 bolts together.
I gave Aubrey yet another makeover because she didn’t look like herself with the short hair. She also got herself a tan from sunbathing.
I think I forgot to take a snap of Esme getting into this field, but this is only her 2nd time at work. You go, grrrl!
I decided to get Misha a date so she could woo someone for her first kiss.
I guess she picked this up from her brother?
Somehow they had a good date, and this counts as her first kiss.. I wanted the pretty hearts, boo! :P
Esme is the next superwoman, y/n
First day of private school, and Boyd gets his much sought-after A+!
Esme sure does receive a lot of female attention; it’s a pity she doesn’t swing that way.
Dollface: Hell no, you wear too much make-up!
Rock Chick: *stalks Esme* I dig girl gamers.
Misha: I’m a girl gamer!
Rock Chick: Hello Kitty Online doesn’t count.
In case you wondered what our cat Rose was doing. (p.s. ILU ESME!)
Here’s a somewhat better picture of Misha’s looks.
Uhh, I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
Misha: Chill man, I was just playing around!
Esme: Who are you calling ‘man’?
Pigtails: Hey guys, hope I’m not interrupting anything.
Merit: I totally escaped from prison one time.
Boyd: You WHAT?
Misha: This chick is rad! *plusplus*
Aww, I’m sorry Esme... chance cards hate me. Doesn’t that face just break your heart?
And this is how Merit and Boyd say goodnight.
I’d never have guessed he was so enthusiastic about fitness.. this is the first time he’s worked out in his life, if it wasn’t obvious.
Misha: Hey sis, I heard you lost your job today! Hahaha.
Esme: How could you?!
Esme: Btw, congrats on getting lucky. :D I approve!
Aubrey: Sup, lifetime want?
You could look a little more excited Aubrey.
Ahh of course, straight to the bedroom to celebrate.
Rose: Did I hear.. barking?
Now that these two have made up, they’re back to their
old habits. Some people never learn not to mess with Esme.
Boyd: So I heard Rhett talking about what your real birthday present is.
Esme: NO Boyd, we will NOT become one of those legacies.
Misha: I still don’t know what they’re talking about...
Finally Aubrey got rid of that tan, and she gets ‘in the zone’ for arts & crafts.
I hope you enjoyed reading! I’ll add all the kids stats with the next update because I forgot Boyd’s LTW, and... the next update will be sooner than this one was. :)