"Another day, another baby," Cheryl found herself thinking. This latest pregnancy had really taken it out of her. Even Komei had remarked that maybe she should take a break from the baby making after this one.
Little Corrie was their first girl. She looked much like Jere had as an infant - same blue eyes and black hair, though her skin was darker.
Jere's birthday came up shortly after Corrie's birth. Cheryl was beginning to realize that three kids meant she and Komei were outnumbered.
Jere turned out to look a lot like Komei - he inherited his nose and mouth. Cheryl marveled at how unlike Taylor he was. It was almost hard to believe that they were related at all!
The two boys got along well, though. It was nice to see her sons become real friends.
Jere especially liked to talk about the alien twins that supposedly lived down the street. Cheryl had heard the rumors, but felt sure there was no truth to them.
One evening, as she watched her kids do a silly dance together, she realized that she hadn't showered in two days, her pajamas were stained and smelled terrible, and baby Corrie needed to be changed. She wasn't having fun anymore, and she knew it was time to make a change.
So, she got her old job back as a home video editor.
This left Komei suddenly obliged to pitch in more with the daily family life, which he took with good grace.
He even helped baby Corrie with her birthday while Cheryl was out working.
(Aw! I like this family for giving me some diversity in the sims' faces.)
Before long, Taylor had a birthday, too. He looked a lot like Lou, which was sometimes hard for Cheryl to handle. It was so sad that he'd never met his father.
Although she really regretted missing her children's birthdays, Cheryl knew she'd made the right decision in going back to work. She appreciated everything she had instead of feeling resentful.
And wasn't that what being a family sim was all about?
Bonus pics:
Dancing toddler!
And BTW, Cheryl is pregnant again.