At last, done with this round! I moved and dealt with crappy life things this month; sorry about the huge delay. Let's see if I remember what happened when I played this, a very long time ago!
"Ok, Alvin," Eli said seriously, "I really need some advice. I know you think my situation is funny, but please listen to me."
Alvin sighed. Eli had been trying to have this conversation for some time now, and he'd run out of wisecracks to avoid having it. "Fine. Go for it."
"Well, we're almost ready to graduate, and I'm pretty sure Rochell is assuming I'm going to propose, but I really don't know if I want to marry her or not."
"You two always seem happy to me," Alvin said. "You're always all over each other. It's kind of disgusting, to be honest."
"Oh, come on. Like the only action the hot tub has ever seen has been me and Rochell's. I didn't woohoo the maid in broad daylight, unlike some people I know."
"Yeah, yeah. And her name is Chris, you know. I am definitely hiring her when I move back home. Anyway, we're talking about you, here. Obviously you like Rochell, so what's bothering you?"
"I mean, she's great. She's definitely great. I just...well, sometimes, she seems a little bit too in love with me. I feel like a jerk saying that."
"Well, ok - how is she too in love with you?"
"That portrait she painted of me, for one thing. That was kind of creepy or something."
"But, dude, you painted one of her right after that. I don't get it."
"Yeah, well, that was because I felt like she wanted me to after she did mine. Anyway, it's not just about the painting."
"Ok, what else then?"
"She writes me...things. Like love letters. It's awkward."
"While I agree that that is gross -"
"-I didn't say it was gross-"
"It just sounds to me like she loves you, dude. And like it makes you uncomfortable because you don't love her back."
Eli sighed. "I think you might be right, Alvin. I think I'm trying to blame her when it's really me who sucks. Here's the deal - when Shena calls to chat, I get the biggest rush. Even just when the phone rings, in case it's her. And I'm crushed when it isn't. I think about her all the time, and it's driving me crazy. I don't even think she's interested in me anymore."
"Well, dude, I think you answered your own question about marrying Rochell."
"I don't know. If I can't have Shena, Rochell is a great girl, and like you said, she does love me. I'm sure I'd get over Shena eventually."
After a few weeks went by with Eli and Rochell seemingly as close as ever, Alvin sat her down for a chat.
"What do you want, Alvin?" Rochell asked warily. They'd never gotten along and mostly stayed out of each other's way these days.
"It's about Eli. He doesn't love you, he loves Shena. You should break up with him."
"Oh sure, you'd love that - you hate me and don't want me around when we move back to Winterfell. Eli does love me - I should know - and for your information he's hinting about proposing. So just get used to it, I'm not going anywhere." She got up and left the table.
As graduation approached, Alvin befriended Ron Kosmokos, and recruited him to be the newest member of the Greek House. Eli and Rochell didn't seem to care if the house died out, but Alvin liked to think of it still being around for his kids to join, if he ever had any.
The night before graduation, Eli finally made a decision. Shena was coming to the party, and he'd tell her how he felt. If she didn't want him, he'd marry Rochell. If she did, he'd find a way to tell Rochell it was over. His conscience didn't feel entirely quiet about this decision, but he just didn't think he could face breaking up with Rochell before knowing what Shena would say, and he also didn't think he could marry Rochell, always wondering about what might have been.
The party went well enough. Jonathan even took time off from the business to attend.
Shena showed up late, as usual, but was quick to make the rounds and congratulate everyone. Eli was so full of anticipation that he literally couldn't stand it and lost his head completely.
"Shena, I have to ask you something," he said, the moment she walked up. She smiled. "What, Eli?"
"Do you love me? I still love you. I always have. I was wrong to let you go without a fight my freshman year. I guess what I'm really asking is..."
"Will you marry me?"
He never saw Rochell walk past. His eyes were only on Shena.
"Wow. Yes. I love you, I always loved you, and this is insane but yes, I will marry you, Eli."
Rochell transitioned quietly inside, and snuck out to the taxi while no one was looking to move back in with her sisters. She would be damned if she was going to let that asshole see her cry.
Notes: Well that turned out more involved then I was really planning! This is really how it went down. Eli moved in with Shena and Nevada at the Band House, and Alvin moved back with Jonathan to resume control of the business.