I'm listening to the Sox game on XM, like you do when you don't have Extra Innings. (I'm still seriously tempted by it - cable had a free preview on all last week and I loved getting to turn the game on and watch in on TV. (Wow. I feel like some sort of freakish throwback to maybe the 50's... "Holy Toledo, Mabel - we can watch the game on that
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I just got the sweetest note and a completely unexpected AIDS Walk donation from Dave's Grandmother. She really is the nicest person, but she was also one of the last people I expected a donation from - she's on a fixed income, and not even MY grandmother, so I would never have asked - but it turns out that Dave's mom told her about it, so she sent
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I asked the passing question about a week ago "what cartoon is on at 11 pm?" I'd been wondering why I never see Good Eats, as Dave does a lot of flipping around and the Food Network is a regular stop on the dial, so I looked up the FN schedule on their website. 7 and 11. I know I would never see it at 7, since the Simpsons are on then, but I couldn
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One of the people I talk to on my diet website (yes, I have a diet website, shut up) just signed up for AIDS Walk in Florida (Ft. Lauderdale, I think) because of me. YAY!
Brilliant! I was waiting around the house today for the Keyspan guy to come and install a remote reader for the gas, and when he he was done he left us with a gas safety pamphelet. Perfectly reasonable thing to do. In it is a description of the added fragrance of their natural gas, so that people know what to sniff for in the event of a leak
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