My sims 3 game playing has eased up a little, now that the 'newness' is wearing down a bit, but I still have much to explore. Just a little more slowly now.
I WILL give a bit of warning. There's naked sims in this particular entry. Be warned if you are reading at work. :)
With Tisha pregnant, she spends a lot of time rubbing her own tummy. Lionel is adorable throughout the pregnancy, wanting to rub her belly. I love that the Sims do this stuff autonomously too.
Starsha is eager to have a grandbaby too. She's spun up a wish to have a grandchild, so has Gage.
Starsha's the one to do the cooking, though meal preparation gets interrupted when it's time for labour. She has a few screams, then spins into her regular maternity clothes, and runs outside to catch a cab. Lionel also queues up to go to the hospital with her.
But Lionel takes his sweet time. His ripped clothes are his 'uniform' for the music career. took him forever to get his butt into the cab so they could head to the hospital.
When they got to the hospital, they got into each other's way, so they both stopped, and started tapping their foot. Eventually they got their butts in there. LOL
It didn't seem to take as long as when Starsha wound up in the hospital to have her children. They have a single girl baby, whom they name Tisha.
Not long after Tisha has the baby, it's time for another birthday. Tommy has such a cocky look on his face right here. LOL
Tina shows up, the twins are around, mom and dad are there. Poor Lionel had to work though.
Soon as Tommy starts his transition, Starsha gets her lifetime wish fulfilled, though she looks kind of sad about it. Maybe she's sad that her babies are almost all grown up. She keeps spinning up wishes to have another baby. Ugh. Even at 3 days to Elder, she spun up a wish to have a kid.
Doesn't Tommy look so much like his dad? He was a cute kid and all, and sure I could see some similarities, but when he hit teen stage, I could really see it.
WTF? OMG what is with her? Do any other Insane sims utilize the tub for sitting? She does this way too often.
She does this too. Often. Even before she got a job in sports, she was a fitness buff. In Formal no less. LOL
Starsha had enough happiness points, that I got the Body Sculptor thing. I'm not too impressed. She selected 'thinner' when she tried it. I didn't think Thinner meant Anorexic. Sigh. The next day, she had the option to go back to normal.
Gina had her birthday. Didn't really think I needed more baby bundle breakdancer pictures. So here she is after her makeover.
This picture was cute. Gina looks so eager to learn. I love the look on her face as she learns how to talk with her momma.
Starsha wanted to visit the cemetery. Or catch a vampire fish. I can't recall which one spun up first, but they eventually both did. Now, she has her little gnome, and I've played quite a bit, and haven't seen him move, as others have reported.
Think she's learned? She wanted to go into the catacombs. I let her. This is what happens. At least it wasn't a zombie bear... she wouldn't come out looking so calm. LOL
Congratulations Gage. His lifetime wish was to reach level NINE of Science. Why nine? Why not the top? Oh well, he got his wish. :)
Guess who's having a birthday!!
That's right, the twins are ready to graduate high school and grow up.
I love that they are almost identical, features-wise. They have different colour hair, but their eyes, nose, mouth, all the same as far as I can tell. Evil Girl Lelaah is fit from her working out all the time. Layna, not so much. She's super neat, but doesn't exercise all that much.
With their kids nearly all grown up and moving out of the house, I figured it was time for them to be married. They honestly waited this long, cause I kept forgetting to have them do it. LOL.
They didn't have a honeymoon. When I got them married, they wound with Gage's last name, Briody, and I wanted them to keep the Simme name. Someone mentioned that you can go down to City Hall to have it changed, but they didn't have that option. They had these options. They chose "Make out in Judge's Chambers" ... yeah
This is what happens when you get caught! *giggles*
Back at home, Lionel and Tisha are still celebrating their love. Even after having a baby, being married for several years, they're still so very in love. ;)
Tisha seems to not be feeling so good, some time after they're last woohoo ;)
Yep, Tisha's pregnant again with her second child. Please oh please don't be twins! Heh!