I was asked to put my Lucky Town lot up for download, so huzzah! Here it is. It's appeared in Welcome To Tinsel Town, The Happypants Round Robin Legacy and possibly even The Batmanigans. I created it because I wanted a community lot that would meet multiple wants at once - some place to eat, swim, drink, woohoo, marry and see ghosts. Something for everyone!
I forgot to kill off the NPCs and Townies before I started playing in this neighbourhood, so I killed off all the ones I didn't want...which was pretty much all of them, including the sims in the family bin. I rarely play them, so they all died a variety of horrible deaths.
But it looks pretty, so it's okay.
From the beach end of the lot. If you don't have Bon Voyage, the beach obviously won't be there, but I think the lot should still work.
I sent my Broke kids (Indiana, Wisconsin and Kentucky - all offspring from my Big Brother 2 challenge) out to use it so I could take photos for you. Indiana was the lucky one to get something to eat. Though really, it didn't look that appetising, as the hot dog bun was grey. Grey?? What the hell??
Kentucky got to get drunk, and he found himself fancying Vegemite Batmanigan, who was more interested in talking to the wall. That does a lot for one's self esteem, I'm sure.
I also took out the part of the counter that Vegemite is sitting at, because the sims all started gathering BEHIND the bar, instead of on the other side, so I thought I'd give them some space to walk through.
Meta Tierra Happypants and some random townie enjoyed the Bubbles a LOT.
And lucky Wisconsin, he got to get lucky with a lady in the hot tub.
The graves are full of sims you know and love and love to hate, but I have no idea how they'll go in someone else's game. I have no idea at all if this lot will work properly or not! So if you install it, it's at your own risk, for sure. I hope it works, though. That'd be cool.
Vegemite, you're married. Stop that.
Speaking of weddings, the arch DOES work, but it appears that I put it in the wrong way. Oops. I fixed it up before I packaged the lot, though, so don't worry about that.
Starla was quite happy to join the Broke family, and get out of Towniedom. What she doesn't know is that the Broke house is literally just walls. They don't even have a toilet!
Vegemite just had to go and say hello once the happy couple finished consummating their marriage in the photo booth.
And for the first time ever, one of my playable sims had the Unsavoury Charlatan get too friendly with them - and I missed it! Argh!
The bathroom is fairly plain, but it works fine.
And the best bit? GHOSTS. And hi there Seraphine Nadia Happypants! You're still gorgeous.
Marsha Bruenig and Benjamin Long invite you in...if you dare!
At an ingenious suggestion, I've uploaded it twice, the first
has graves, for those daring types, and the second
has no graves, so you have to kill off your own sims. Everything else is the same, though. I have all the EPs and SPs (apart from one of the Holiday ones, I can't remember which one right now), so if you don't have all of them, I have no idea how the lot will look or behave. Again, I have NO idea if the graves will work properly in anyone else's game, but it's worth trying out!
The Brokes, Vegemite, the Happypants and the other BB2 kids that appear in the background are also all available for download, and you can find them listed