
Oct 11, 2005 00:10

Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

kieper October 11 2005, 07:47:03 UTC
hey you,

with the exception of the "what are you most afraid of" ~ i'd say this is pretty damn close to how i perceive you to be. (which is a good thing, chris. i mean that as a compliment.)


aric1 October 11 2005, 13:16:17 UTC
A true rendering of the creation I've made of you in my mind.

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