Title: Concerning the UFO Sighting Near Lima, Ohio (epilogue #1)
Warnings: Kidnapping and impersonation, implied dubcon/noncon, and generalised S3 issues up to and including 3x14. Also vore.
Rating: PG-13 for content.
Summary: Aliens made Kurt do it. They have, in fact, been making him do it for a while.
Notes: This is not the real fic, which can be found
here instead, this is just one of three possible epilogues. Thanks to
airgeer for the inspiration that led to it. :)
One day, not quite so far into the future that he had given up all hope, but long enough that he'd forgotten most of the nice things he used to know, the aliens ate Kurt. He was a bit sinewy, and rather lacking in taste. Not the best human they'd ever eaten.
I didn't like this ending, I want to try again!