These were still pretty intense, but overall not nearly as terrifying as the one I had yesterday. In the first one I had last night, I was a runaway. I had been on the run for quite some time, my boyfriend (who looked vaguely like McAvoy but shorter and with black emo-tastic hair XD) along for the ride. We went to walmart because I was just so tired of being chased that I just wanted to go into some public place and get arrested (apparently everybody and their uncle knows who I am in this dream--whatever I was supposed to have done was well televised, my subconscious told me). Anyway, we get there....and nobody does anything.
Boytoy and I are mindblown by this and instead of giving up decide to get large quantities of food and go back out on the run. For whatever reason, boytoy's father was along for the ride and told us that he would buy everything. Boytoy doesn't want his dad to become an accessory or whatnot because of his helping us, and offers to pay, but the father says that we need all the money we can get for the runaway.
We end up going down all the aisles as quickly as we can (without rousing suspicion), and get all the food we need. We then head into the line for checkout. My phone then gets about thirty seven different messages (I was apparently following some time of feed on their chasing me down) so I get to see all of the pictures people have taken and posted to the cops website (or something.....dream was not entirely cohesive XDD). We then see the security detail towards the front of the store seeing us and talking about the best way to come at us (why my subconscious mind thought a walmart should have a security cartel is beyond me).
I look at boytoy, boytoy looks at me, the father stares silently urging us on, and we rush towards the doors before they can lock them. We run as fast as we can into the parking lot, one of the security men hot on our heels. We get to the car, i open it with the electronic key as we're running to it, and boytoy jumps in and locks his side as I swing around my door and open it so that the security man is caught between the door and the van beside it. I plead with him that I didn't do whatever it is they think I did, but he doesn't believe me. I fake him out by running in the opposite direction, fake around and am able to get in the car. The man puts his body between the door and the jam before I can close it, and we're stuck. I beg him to just let us go, and looking into my eyes, he actually believes me. We drive off, straight into my other dream.
Where I'm a hooker/dancer of sorts in a Moroccan-looking tent O_O, boytoy nowhere to be seen. This one was just plain weird and ended quickly by my waking up XD.
In other news--I FINALLY GOT AN FM TRANSMITTER FOR THE CAR THAT WORKSSSS! I bought a cheapo over at Autozone when we went in to get the car fixed. BROKE AS SOON AS IT WAS OUT OF THE PACKAGE T_T. By this point Mom and I had just come out of walmart, and I was SOOO frustrated by this that mom said I should just check and see if Staples has anything cheap enough since it was on the way out. I did, and they had a LOVELY one that I went ahead and bought. IT ACTUALLY WORKED! Proving once and for all that it's /not/ my damn cigarette lighter's fault. /can't even tell you just how much I'm DANCING right now