Alright!! I've got the house all to myself for the next 14 days. Heheee. Though it has gotten a lil boring, many people are on vacation or have to work. Means: Sina is terribly bored. I even cleaned the bathroom, the kitchen and the respective floor. Enough said.
And again: I hear noises in the house when I go to bed. ^^ WTF is that? I'm not crazy, or am I? I think I just get a lil paranoid when I'm alone in a big house at night. I reallyyyy need some friends over here. Okay, the dog is here too, but still. It's driving me nuts :-p and I don't have any batteries left for my mp3-player to listen to music while tying to fall asleep. Only thing left is my cellphone. But I don't wanna leave it on all night, besides the earphones are not so comfortable at night... hrmpf.
I need something to entertain myself. Pathetic, isn't it? Tried Photoshop, but I'm not in the mood for something creative. Chatting isn't so easy either: most people are offline. Maybe I'll try baking or go jogging.... but playing tennis by myself isn't so smart, is it? :-p Ugh. I'll just try to work on my crappy fanfic.
Living in this craphole village sucks 100% at the time. I need to get away.
Okay, off to writing.