Bat's Day Review, swaps

May 02, 2009 20:45

Reviews: disclaimer for my nose, plus the fact I'm on the .. The others will be added slowly but surely.

First off: Bat's Day [vending portion] was a huge improvement from last year; the hotel was much nicer, and the vendors were spread out so it wasn't like PERSONPERSONBOBODYHEATOMFG. It also seemed like there were more vendors this time around. Was nice :)

BAT OF LONGEVITY- up for swap
French lavender, white sage, cypress, verbena, white peach, life everlasting, tansy, and black amber.

--mad morpher. First on, it's rather like a lavender-mix massage oil my mother uses. Twenty minutes later, I got peach and amber (the latter which goes super sweet on me, like spiced honey). Throw is almost zero, but it has a strong ambiance. By two hours it had become so powdery sweet I had to take it off ~_~

BAT OF HEALTH- up for swap, since I'm not DYING for it.
Goats rue, fig, wild geranium, juniper, sassafras, juniper berry, and mandrake.

Begins with 2 1/2 ft throw. Drunken, watered...rue? It's not the other notes, whatever it is...Juniper begins to come out after three minutes. By seven minutes, the throw is almost gone (three inches), but it's become rather, as tikiera says, rootbeer with liquor, in my case. Juniper lurks n the background (as though ti's just chilling on the rim of your glass), that anise? o.O Someone dropped a touch of anise into my drink.

Over all, nice. I wish the throw continued as it began though :(

Correction even as I posted: throw is back. It seems to be one of those peek-a-boo scents that comes and goes as it pleases. We'll see--I won't scrub it off just yet.

BAT OF WEALTH [pray for me--patchouli is NOT my friend...]- unquestionably up for swap
Heliotrope, pomegranate, blackberry, bergamot, and patchouli.

First off: From the bottle, I meeped, 'cause it was like cough medicine and patchouli. Itch, itch, itch. Throw is about 1 1/4 feet, coming in and out, and it smells quite nice. Actually...very tasty. I get..blueberry and spicy 'fruit' [probably the bermagot and/or heliotrope, in this case], edged in pepper. No pomegranate for me :(

Then again that's probably best, because then I would love this scent even if it wasn't very good for me. Really, my wrist is still warm where I tested it...but it's the skin contact that brought out the scent, so not even a locket will help me this time ~_~ [er, short of putting some of my flesh in a locket, but that's slightly disturbing, don't you think?]

BAT OF VIRTUE-- WANTS and looking for more
Huckleberry, frankincense, rose, strawberry, violet, and star anise.

Have I...fallen in love? First on, strawberry, but not the fresh ones I dream about. It's 'bottled' with frankincense and the spice (but not sweetness) of anise. Gorgeous and mellow, sexy. ~15 minutes later, the strawberry gives mostly way for the huckleberry, but it's still...yum.

This would be my new favorite...except it has almost zero throw on me. Must try on the wrist when those aren't covered in other scents!, tricksy. Suddenly, Virtue has throw, and the strawberry has returned, still in company with frankincense and anise (more anise though). The only hints of violet or rose I get are the faint, faint touch of metal I get like Hope and Faith, but it's only becuase I'm looking for it.

--->Approx 30 minutes later, Virtue has developed a decent throw, and I LOVES it.

BAT OF GOOD DEATH- up for swap, sans an imp or two.
Frankincense, myrrh, orris root, coconut, benzoic, chamomile, cedar, and hyssop.

My review isn't much different than tikiera's. In the bottle and wet, I get coconut [more on the Coppertone side]. As it dries, the Coppertone is lost (yay!) and I get coconut meat [unsweetened] warming in the sun with resins. Throw goes from (in the past...20 minutes?) 1.5 ft/2 ft., and now it's about 2.5 ft.

Not bad, not bad. I only need to keep a little though, as I feel I won't reach for it too often.


For those who were curious, the Bath oils were Jingo-Kogo (smells EXACTLY like the perfume oil, I kid you not; ETA: though isn't quite as strong), Vishpala (I actually liked this better in the bath oil for than the perfume form! I'm really looking forward to this one--can't recall the scent exactly, sorry), and Medb which, if I remember correctly, smells a tad more sweet and less green than the Trunk oil did.

Overall, I really liked the SCENTS from this Bat's Day--unfortunately, they didn't like my skin so much :(

And argh, Virtue is back to taunting me again!

reviews, $wanted, $swaps

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