fried chicken and dumb people

Jul 31, 2004 17:58

Can i hear a WHAT WHAT ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

everchicken July 29 2004, 11:58:45 UTC
i watched emeril the other day and he was having a hard time getting the popsicles out of the popsicle holder freezer things so he boiled them. and then the guy did a drum roll and they came out but they fell off the stick. poor emeril.


sinatra83 July 31 2004, 15:45:27 UTC
its because emriral is a fraud man, hes no chef,... just an actor pretending to be a chef, he glamorizes the kitchen,... all up in the Blockbuster wam and BAMM,...


everchicken July 30 2004, 23:27:50 UTC
you should reply to your comments


sinatra83 August 11 2004, 08:08:56 UTC
i do reply to my comments man


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