So I first learn of the Dragon Cave from penumbren and now in two different places I've seen its spreading. So I decided to try this again and I got lucky One survived! So posting my scroll and the few I've got.
It's a click exchange site. You won't get clicks if you don't click other peoples links. You can use it through the "Link Exchange" or the "Dynasty Exchange".
Me and Jes are in the "Ravelry Dragon Knitters" Dynasty.
That's my scroll btw. :) Due to Yarolds I don't need any help getting clicks to help my draggies hatch and grow, but you can feel free to look at my collection so far if ya want. Also it'll give you a feel for what dragons are out there, I don't have the dino's yet, or the neglected dragon, I'm also missing the gold and male silver, and the two splits, male and female splits (two headed dragons). I have a split hatchling though you can see.
Comments 2
It's a click exchange site. You won't get clicks if you don't click other peoples links. You can use it through the "Link Exchange" or the "Dynasty Exchange".
Me and Jes are in the "Ravelry Dragon Knitters" Dynasty.
That's my scroll btw. :) Due to Yarolds I don't need any help getting clicks to help my draggies hatch and grow, but you can feel free to look at my collection so far if ya want. Also it'll give you a feel for what dragons are out there, I don't have the dino's yet, or the neglected dragon, I'm also missing the gold and male silver, and the two splits, male and female splits (two headed dragons). I have a split hatchling though you can see.
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