Write makes Right

May 22, 2006 19:52

After years of spying on other people's blogs I've finally decided to write one of my own ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

I've caved sine_nixus May 27 2006, 03:27:25 UTC
hehe Hi all, yup, I've finally given to (the now abated) blog fever =P Add me!


Re: I've caved welldan June 14 2006, 18:26:40 UTC
you know you can directly reply to on the thread right? :p


rode_jurk May 30 2006, 15:13:20 UTC
heeeee ... look who has fallen!

and dark secrets, eh? start the spilling. belated happy birthday, antman!


imjuzakyd July 11 2006, 11:06:34 UTC
Well finally, no one has to worry about you not getting the latest gossip from your friends because you also have your own flist. Took you long enough to get one. *rolls eyes*

But if you try as much as make a single annoying comment on my entries I'll make your LJ life a living hell. *grins* Kidding. I'll never do that to you.


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