Almost caught up!
Well, that one was definitely exciting! Picard takes on another crew member, a Romulan assassin, and we get a look at a Romulan refugee planet, many of whom justifiably feel like they were abandoned and blame Picard personally. (I liked the decision to show us Picard being there when he found out about the synth attack so, yes, that way he literally abandoned them.) I am enjoying how thoughtful this show is.
Also I am always here for all the Romulan cultural details.
Not sure what's going on with the Borg cube plot -- I don't get how Narek and his sister are planning to press Soji for answers she doesn't know. At least Picard knows the name of the guy who (presumably) made Dahj and Soji, which seems like a better route.
And, hey, it's Seven of Nine. Hi, Seven! I wish I had cared more about Voyager! I have only seen a random selection of episodes!
It looks like next episode is getting wacky. I suppose I will get to find out.
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