Star Trek: Picard: 1x05: Stardust City Rag

Feb 27, 2020 14:56

Still not caught up yet, because today's episode is out! I appreciate the warning about the eye gore in this one, though!

The preview made it look like this was going to be Jaunty Away Mission Recon and instead it turned out to be Jaunty Away Mission With Extreme Trauma as Seven of Nine confronts a woman who betrayed her in the past (and likes to kill Borg and strip them for parts),and Raffi is turned away by her son because she still believes the attack on Mars was a conspiracy.

Then they rescue Bruce Maddox, who lives long enough to tell them that Soji is on the Borg cube before Agnes straight-up murders him, which, uh, wow. Definitely wasn't expecting that, given how they'd taken all that time to set up how they'd been lovers. Points to the show for surprising me.

I am assuming the traumatic revelations are just going to get worse from here on out and we will see more and more of the Federation conspiracy. But, hey, I am along for the ride.

I have to say, though, that I was spoiled by having all the queer characters on Disco. Could we not have some gay people here too?

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