Name: Kristin
Nickname: Roxas, KL
Age: 20
Birthdate: July 9
Height: 5'4"
Likes: FMA, Gundam Wing, reading, writing, photography, golf, playing with mah puppy
Dislikes: annoying canon Sue's, work
Strong Points: a sense of humor, loyalty
Weak Points: I'm a bit of a pushover... ^_^;
Pet Peeves: I'm an animal person, so anyone who mistreats one is definitely on my 'to kill and/or maim' list
Hobbies: cosplaying, photography, making amv's, reading, writing
Talents: photography
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Food: anything Italian
Favorite Sport: golf, for sure
Mature or Immature?: I'd like to say mature, but that'd be a lie
Leader or Follower?: Mmmmm...follower
Words you say would describe you: friendly, goofy, fun, crazy
Anything else: I'm impulsive, crazy, kinda unreliable, a dreamer, and a goofball. But I'm a lot of fun!
Favorite Sin: Greed, definitely
Why?: He's so unlike the rest of the Sins. He's the kind of guy you'd want to like you, the guy you'd want to hang out with. Random killings aside, he rocks!
Oh, yeah. And the pics of me.